Looks like it was Nathan who loved unconditionally.
not!Shaft said "in the end, all that really matters is love". And it was Nathan's love that saved him, but also I think Nathan knowing that Peter would have done the same for him, would have loved him no matter what.
Here's the thing, though: If Nathan survives, his heroic sacrifice meant nothing (narratively speaking).
doesn't it mean something that he
that he would die, even if he survives?
So the only person who died for sure is Nathan, right?
I'm with Monique on the Soap Opera School -- don't believe it unless you see a body. And even then, plastic surgery can do wonders when the character fakes their death and comes back with a new actor face. (and let's not forget the Days of Our Lives classic when a new actor came back with amnesia, realized he was Roman Brady, then the original actor wanted to come back so substitute actor was revealed to not actually be Roman Brady, but the original character from the amnesia, and behold, the orginal actor came back as Roman Brady. but, I digress)
Just rewatched, and again, I really was not feeling Nathan's speech. It just felt contrived to me. Was it the writing or the delivery?
Here's the thing, though: If Nathan survives, his heroic sacrifice meant nothing (narratively speaking).
Except that he was on a path to being a bad guy and that by going to his death (even if it didn't take) he's a good guy.
Definitely some kick-ass moments: Claire jumping out of the window; Micah n' Molly - so cute; anything with Ando; D.L., Nikki, Micah and Molly forming the perfect Brangelina multi-culti family. But the Broyay, good heavens the broyay conquers all. It would've been perfect if Matt had really croaked. Stupider than Mohinder and not even half the pretty.
Was that Hiro's dad on that horse in 16th century Japan? Because that would be a rockin' S2 set up.
It would've been perfect if Matt had really croaked. Stupider than Mohinder and not even half the pretty.
yeah, but he has a heart like a lion. Knowing what Sylar was capable of, he still went after him. Not smart, but sweet.
I have to rewatch, because I was somewhat distracted by school stuff tonight, but I hate to admit I was sort of dissappointed by this episode. There were some great little moments, but some things to be wrapped up a little better. I hate still having more questions after a season finale. It also makes no sense to me that Nathan would have to fly Peter off like that. What happened to shooting him dead and then removing the bullet, so he could use his Claire healing power? That plan made a lot more sense to me than what Nathan did. Also, what was the whole point of Peter learning to start controlling his powers with Claude if it didn't even matter in the end? If Peter and Nathan are both dead, the show isn't going to be as interesting for me next season.
How come Peter could pick up Niki's power five seconds after he met her, but he couldn't fly himself away?
He was preoccupied with controlling the uncontrollable. It was taking all of his concentration to hold back what he already held back. Focusing on flying would be kinda hard.
What happened to shooting him dead and then removing the bullet, so he could use his Claire healing power? That plan made a lot more sense to me than what Nathan did.
Well, I thought the point was that she'd have to shoot him in such a way as to destroy his brain altogether (there was a line about her knowing the "right place" to aim for), thus rendering him incapable of both blowing up and also healing himself. I got the sense that she'd need to shoot him in such a way as to make healing basically impossible. (Although, if he can heal from
exploding in atmo
you'd think a bullet wound wouldn't be too troublesome, so... I don't know.)
I am very glad Niki won the Niki/Jessica fight with powers intact. That's gonna be helpful.
she may be using the illusions to alter Jessica's perception of reality. But, what I want to know is why Candace didn't turn fat.
Maybe she only loses the illusion when she's dead. She might still be alive. Also, we don't *know* she's fat.
Andi and I also liked the little moment between Micah and Molly at the elevator.
I half expected Molly to say "That is so cool."
Well, I thought the point was that she'd have to shoot him in such a way as to destroy his brain altogether (there was a line about her knowing the "right place" to aim for), thus rendering him incapable of both blowing up and also healing himself. I got the sense that she'd need to shoot him in such a way as to make healing basically impossible. (Although, if he can heal from exploding in atmo you'd think a bullet wound wouldn't be too troublesome, so... I don't know.)
See, I too the "right place" to be the same place that the glass was in that Claire removed, meaning that Claire could later remove the bullet too. Maybe I understood it wrong.