awwww, so far, a lot of, "congrats! but you can't go! what will happen to us? please stay. we understand why, but we're so screwed."
I am JZ's complete lack of surprise.
I'm wondering - are there any "principled" conservative blogs? I.e. blogs that actually looks at facts instead of parroting whatever talking points are coming out of the Administration?
tommyrot, there are a few, though a problem they've found is that as soon as they say something critical of the Administration the rest of the conservablog world promptly excommunicates them. I'm fairly sure Andrew Sullivan still considers himself a principled conservative, but I'm not sure any other conservative pundits do.
And Glenn Greenwald, now with Salon, started out his (very wordy but oh so excellent) blog a couple of years ago as a very mildly conservative-leaning moderate with a strong interest in constitutional law and interpreting this Admin's actions through that lens, but it didn't take him long to get labeled a whackadoo moonbat because of his incomprehensible obsession with craxy leftist notions like facts and legislative and judicial precedent and such.