The ones at the county hospital can't seem to be arsed to adjust their dosages to the body size and physiology of the patient. Seems dangerous to me.
Considering the same thing nearly made me a widow ten years ago, yeah, it's a bit dangerous. They didn't weigh him and figured he was lying about his declared weight and added a hundred pounds.
Anesthesia is a funny thing.
When I had my gall bladder out, years ago (the old-fashioned way), the nurse couldn't get a vein to give me a pre-op sedative. So I was completely sober when they wheeled me and the anesthesiologist took over. He gave me Valium (he said) which made my arm burn, and I was completely out before I counted down to seven.
When I had Jake, I ended up needing a C-section. They said they'd turned the epidural back up before they started, but I flinched and said I could feel *sharp* pain, not just the *pulling and tugging* they told me to expect. The anesthesiologist flipped out, apparently, clapped a mask over my face, and I was completely out after that. I have no idea what that was, but waking up in recovery all alone, with no baby beside me (Stephen had him down the hall) was BIZARRE.
I was given Nubain (sp?) with Sara, which is not anesthesia but pain relief, and it was one of those, "I can feel the pain just fine, and I don't care a bit!" things. I kept dozing off between contractions, too, and once woke up talking to the doctor and Stephen about windshield wipers. Weird.
Wow, my typing sucks today.
Considering the same thing nearly made me a widow ten years ago, yeah, it's a bit dangerous. They didn't weigh him and figured he was lying about his declared weight and added a hundred pounds.
I hope you saw to it that using the facilities is now a multiple choice selection on their part?
I hope you saw to it that using the facilities is now a multiple choice selection on their part?
Care has improved astronomically since then. The doctors in our hospital are terrific now. It's just the insurance goons who need to be rolled in honey and staked out over a burning red ant nest.
Today is one of those days that I'm just doubting the future of the world. Just saw this clip of a news show on Palestinian TV. The kids of a suicide bomber are being interviewed. "How many Jews did Mama kill?" "This many" (holding up fingers.) "Where is Mama?" "In Paradise." [link]
Those poor kids.
OK, this man may need slugged.
Re: the skywalk over the Grand Canyon, several tribe members and Buzz Aldrin did first honors.
"I can hear the glass cracking!" Hualapai Chairman Charlie Vaughn said playfully.
I hope his neighbors don't have to put up with too much from him.
I've never been more than twilighted for minor surgeries, the thought of being put "out" does rather terrify!
I used to have a dentist who employed nitrous oxide, which worked so very well for me -- it did dull pain, but most of all it made me Not Care. It is like you can't hold on to an emotion, so if something
it was over and you didn't feel any emotional anticipation or fallout. Just "oh,
was interesting, wasn't it?"
Evidently my reaction to NO is textbook perfect. I found myself lying there looking at the ceiling, telling myself that if I could feel the top of me, and the bottom of me, but I didn't have any sensation of me in the middle of me. This made perfect sense....
So the administration is gonna fight subpoenas for Rove and Meyers (if issued). They've previously said they'd fight every subpoena they received, all the way to the Supreme Court if necessary.
Hopefully, the Dems will display a little agression on this.
When DH came out from under the anesthesia from having his wisdom teeth cut out he got violently and verbally abusive. I was sitting in the waiting room reading a magazine when they asked me to come back and calm him down. He was flailing his arms and swearing in a garbled, out-of-it way. I've never been so frightened in my life. He calmed down when I spoke to him but it freaks me out to this day.
He also gets angry and snappish on pain killers (vicodin, I think). So he sticks to tylenol.
Okay, ow. I can't tell if there's any glass in my foot now, but if it still hurts in a couple of days, I will go to the doctor to avoid having anything migrate in any of my body parts.