Plei, I can't believe you took a toddler to sushi! You're a brave woman.
She's been going to sushi since she was a newborn. She generally eats the avocado out of her avocado maki (occasionally eating the rice bits), and as of tonight, bogarted the edamame.
They had really good vegetarian rolls there, too. I was pleased that I could eat without really missing the fish bits.
Therefore, you are Sam.
bitch (i'm going to have to add you to the bitchface list aren't i?)
We had tequila. It was nice.
eta: Not as nice as dinner with Plei and Paul and Jilli and Pete and Lilly, but still nice.
Mmm. Tequila.
So, if we're bumming around Downtown tomorrow--we're hitting at least one bar. Hell, if the hours are right, maybe we can hit Chapel.
Also? I love it when a plan comes together.
Me too!
Cass says she's Sam.
Okay, not really, but she probably won't read this, so let's say she did.
I just went to the kitchen for ice cream and discovered that the cops were back, along with the fire department and an ambulance. I think some of the boys next door were trying to drink themselves to death in honor of St. Pat's.
Sigh. You're far more clever than I.
That must mean you're Sam.
Well, the laptop is yours.
The car is mine.
Clearly I am Dean.
Also you are asleep. I win!