When I was a kid, reading the Bible was considered a big part of a devout Christian's life. I wonder if that's less true today....
Not sure if this was a response to my post, but the majority of my current students seem to be non-religious. The ones who are tend to be Jewish or casual Christians. The Jewish students sometimes know bits of the Torah, but most of the time the classes are clueless or have only heard the stories in passing.
Akhenaten was originally Amenhotep but changed his name. Tutankhamon was Tutankhaten but changed his name when he became king and the priests got their hands on him and pointed out which way the political winds were blowing. Tut's wife was originally Ankhsenaten, I think (sp?), but she changed her named to Ankhessenamon (again sp?). Yes, very similare to Imhotep's unreliable love in The Mummy II.
Kathy, stop following around my brain!
Not sure if this was a response to my post,
Naw, it was more a response to the "Christians don't know their Bible stories" from earlier today....
My English teacher in high school used to teach Bible as Literature, but he got scared away by creepy parents put out by his not representing it as The Word(and not in the Colbert sense)
I know most devout church-goers also go to Bible Study (traditionally on Wednesdays, it seems), but that's a relatively new thing for Catholics and is still not a usual part of parish life.
My BFF is Catholic and her husband is Jewish. For some reason, we got to talking about the commandments. I was able to name 7 (8, really, I had combined two) And I said "of course J doesn't know, but you're a good christian!" She said "I'm Catholic, we don't know the bible!"
Did none of the Catholics here have CCD (basically after-school or evening Catholic Bible study for kids thru teens, once a week if I remember correctly)? I thought that was a de rigeur part of growing up Catholic. Also, it provided my only extended contact with nuns since I went to public school.
I memorized the Ten Commandments in order for a CCD class, and still remember themn, though I'm iffy about the order. Impressed my Cantor when we covered them in Intro to Judaism, though I knew the Catholic version which is a little different from the Jewish version. Which, as my DH likes to point out, are not so much commandments as subject headings for the lecture to follow. And lo, God said unto Moses, write this down, it will be on the test.
(x-posty with Frank! My CCD classes were taught by laity. I don't think I met a nun until my 20s when I lived upstairs from some. They stole my electricity. Unintentionally, I'm sure)
Heh, Catholic programming x-post.
Did none of the Catholics here have CCD (basically after-school or evening Catholic Bible study for kids thru teens, once a week if I remember correctly)?
I think that the better question is did anyone pay attention? Everyone I knew who went just goofed off and/or did homework.
CCD for us involved textbooks touting peace, love and understanding, but they rarely mentioned the bible. Our eighth-grade CCD teacher handed out bibles and told us to turn to some story or other, and we were all, "But what page is that? We don't understand." She thought the entire class was lying when we said we'd never touched a bible.