I know most devout church-goers also go to Bible Study (traditionally on Wednesdays, it seems), but that's a relatively new thing for Catholics and is still not a usual part of parish life.
My BFF is Catholic and her husband is Jewish. For some reason, we got to talking about the commandments. I was able to name 7 (8, really, I had combined two) And I said "of course J doesn't know, but you're a good christian!" She said "I'm Catholic, we don't know the bible!"
Did none of the Catholics here have CCD (basically after-school or evening Catholic Bible study for kids thru teens, once a week if I remember correctly)? I thought that was a de rigeur part of growing up Catholic. Also, it provided my only extended contact with nuns since I went to public school.
I memorized the Ten Commandments in order for a CCD class, and still remember themn, though I'm iffy about the order. Impressed my Cantor when we covered them in Intro to Judaism, though I knew the Catholic version which is a little different from the Jewish version. Which, as my DH likes to point out, are not so much commandments as subject headings for the lecture to follow. And lo, God said unto Moses, write this down, it will be on the test.
(x-posty with Frank! My CCD classes were taught by laity. I don't think I met a nun until my 20s when I lived upstairs from some. They stole my electricity. Unintentionally, I'm sure)
Heh, Catholic programming x-post.
Did none of the Catholics here have CCD (basically after-school or evening Catholic Bible study for kids thru teens, once a week if I remember correctly)?
I think that the better question is did anyone pay attention? Everyone I knew who went just goofed off and/or did homework.
CCD for us involved textbooks touting peace, love and understanding, but they rarely mentioned the bible. Our eighth-grade CCD teacher handed out bibles and told us to turn to some story or other, and we were all, "But what page is that? We don't understand." She thought the entire class was lying when we said we'd never touched a bible.
Did none of the Catholics here have CCD (basically after-school or evening Catholic Bible study for kids thru teens, once a week if I remember correctly)? I thought that was a de rigeur part of growing up Catholic.
Nope. I always thought Sunday school type of things were a Protestant thing, because the only people I knew who had them were the Protestants.
I did have religion class in elementary school that prepared us for 1st communion, confession and confirmation. It was a formerly church run school that was taken over by the public school board, but still had vestiges of the catholic school in it. It also help that there was another elementary across the street where most of the non-Catholics went. My Jr. High similarily taught a "values" class that was pretty Christian centric. (And similarly, my Jr. High was right next door to another Jr. High that the Non-Catholic school students were streamed into.) All those schools are gone now, and have been replaced by bigger, amalgamated school.
The Catholics in my school got to leave an hour early on Tuesdays to go to CCD. They even got bused/walked over!
We didn't read the bible in/for CCD, but we did learn the ten commandments and memorize prayers and some of what used to be called catechism - rote answers to standard questions about Catholic beliefs and practics - in prep for confirmation.
I didn't know what John 3:16 referred to until a Baptist friend told me in middle school.
TNR should back off of Sedaris or I will cut them.
You mean a humorist exaggerates for comedic effect?
Say it ain't SO!
To be clear, I never exaggerate. I hyperbolerate.