Well. Well, well, well.
A sharp difference of opinion over which issues ought to top the political agenda of Christian conservatives spilled out into the open at this week's meeting of the National Association of Evangelicals.
The group rebuffed complaints from some of the religious right's leading lights about the organization's newfound focus on global warming
Note the names being told to "shut up"
the letter, which was signed by prominent religious conservatives such as James Dobson, Don Wildmon, Paul Weyrich and Gary Bauer.
The noisiest, most egregious offenders, to my mind, against common sense and decency.
one of the board members, the Rev. Paul de Vries, said, "It ought to be God's agenda, not the Republican Party's agenda, that drives us. "We're actually tired of being represented by people with a very narrow focus," he said. "We want to have a focus as big as God's focus."
I suspect there may be hope.
Cass, you clearly need a guest internets.
I kinda do. Mom's Mac is twitchy here as well. Mine is keen though.
I'm debating making the network open for the nonce. Who needs security *every* day?
I was filling out the FAFSA form for federal student loans, which the U of I website says is due on the 15th (yes, I'm the worst form of procrastinator!), and I had to apply for a Federal Student Aid PIN that might take up to three days to get e-mailed to me. Damnit. Oh, well, did everything but sign it, and I'll keep an eye on my e-mail to see if they send it sooner.
Huh. Opened a bottle of Two-Buck (Three in Chicago) Chuck Shiraz tonight. Didn't smell too great on opening, but after I let it breathe a while, it's actually quite decent.
We've *lots* of wine. It's fun.
I've had too much wine and should go to bed. I need to hit town at least a little before noon. I also need to get a car charger for the pod.
To continue the food talk from above. I had venison, grilled veggies and grilled onion and garlic bread for dinner courtesy of a friend of ours.
Moooommm! Lee and Cass are making me jealous!
You should have come had wine with me. Tonight was the debut of matt's 5th guitar. It is astounding. And it truely matches the voice of the person it was made for.