Maybe Dana should try a cold compress on one arm, and a hair dryer on the other. For purely scientific reasons!
I don't think I'm that coordinated. I'd have a better chance with the circular saw.
Doctor, incidentally, says the next step is seeing a dermatologist. They don't have an opening until Monday. So it's big drugs and the hair dryer for a while longer.
There's a chance of snow on saturday.
AND it was snowing this time last week. Wacky! I'm secretly (well not secret anymore) that it snows enough that my friend I'm supposed to run an 8k with on Sunday morning decides not to run and so I won't have to either...I've been walking like a fiend but i haven't run in MONTHS. Except a little bit last night pusing my friends' twins in their racing stroller. That was fun!
It was 73 degrees yesterday. Last night, one of my neighbors told me she'd heard a forecast that predicted 1 degree on Sunday (although I don't know if that was a predicated high or low--I hope it's a low!).
Well, I'm pretty sure the barometric pressure is changing and making my head want to explode. I'm trying caffeine and Benadryl right now, since I made a deal with Dana about not stabbing myself in the head.
Edit for I'm Totally on Drugs spelling.
From the Chicago Tribune's weather forecast for today:
A mild start but a stunning late-morning temperature plunge looms as winds shift northeast.
So your sinuses are correct, shrift! Um, yay for accurate sinuses?
ETA: And I don't know where that neighbor got "1 degree predicted for Sunday," unless it was a potential windchill number, because the 7-day forecast has the coldest day being Friday at 25 degrees for a low, mid-30s for a high. IOW, a typical March day in Chicagoland!
Bastard Canadians are sending us their air again.
EW had an article recently on sidekicks who were cooler than their heroes. They noted Willow, R2D2, Hobbes and Gromit.
Have we heard of this? [link] I'm listening to a local radio show on it now.
Also, to add to Hec's list JEEVES!
Dana, my sistah in itch! I've taken the hairdryer to spots, too. But benedryl helps me, so I'm lucky there. I have, in severe cases of mosquito bites, taken oral benedryl along with applying the benedryl cream. I've heard you aren't supposed to do that, but I'd scratch myself raw if I didn't.