Well, I decided to call in incapacited to work. Had the heating pad in bed with me last night, so when I woke up, I felt all right. Then, I tried to get out of bed. After I got my breath back, I hobbled over to the phone and called in, then got changed, unplugged the heating pad, and took it into the living room so I could sit up and keep the heat on the lower back.
Watched a sad/happy episode of Emergency Vets--sad, because they had to put down a senior-citizen kitty whose looks reminded me of my Amarna's, so I was sobbing over that. Then they had a 3-month-old Devon Rex kitten with ringtail who finally got me to see what tommyrot thinks is so cute about those hairless cats--it was really adorable, even though the vet correctly said it looked like an alien! The other animal they treated was a Dalmatian who had gotten away from his family at the neighborhood ball game and ran into the street to get hit by a car. He ended up all right (had some torn muscles in his shoulder), but the reaction of his best buddy, the five-year-old son, was gutwrenching.
I'm now watching the edited-for-tv version of The Faculty, which is just stupid in its use of substitute swear words. "Phooey" for "fuck"???
Then they had a 3-month-old Devon Rex kitten with ringtail who finally got me to see what tommyrot thinks is so cute about those hairless cats--it was really adorable, even though the vet correctly said it looked like an alien!
My kitty is a Devon Rex. Generally they're not quite hairless - they tend to have very short, wavy hair.
Here is a cute one: [link]
Yep, their big ears make them look alien-ish.
That's not a cat!
t /ob-Friends joke
I don't think I hair-dried my right arm enough.
Wow. That made me inexplicably sad.
Me too.
FWIW, Watterson said that there were certain strips which indicated that Hobbes did indeed have his own reality separate from Calvin's imaginings. I don't know which ones he's referring to, but in his estimation Hobbes was not simply the product of Calvin's perfervid brain.
Generally they're not quite hairless - they tend to have very short, wavy hair.
The little guy on the show had just finished losing his puppy fur, but his adult coat hadn't come in yet, which is why the owner could tell something was up--the ringworm showed up in all its ugly "glory" when the puppy was hairless.
Maybe Calvin just imagined Hobbes had his own reality...
I have no idea why I'm saying that.
That's mean.
It's 73 outside.
There's a chance of snow on saturday.
That is also mean.
Maybe Calvin just imagined Hobbes had his own reality...
It feels like a dream logic kind of thing, doesn't it? Like...since Calvin and his world is in itself a dream (being, you know...a comic strip), then any dreams within it, e.g. Hobbes' subjective reality independent of Calvin's perceptions, is equally valid.
And *I* don't know why I put so much thought into such stuff. *This* is why I don't have a better job.
sarameg: I think your weather needs an intervention.
I just checked by bank account. Apparently, I've been spending money like mad. I blame caramel lattes.