Wow. That made me inexplicably sad.
Me too.
FWIW, Watterson said that there were certain strips which indicated that Hobbes did indeed have his own reality separate from Calvin's imaginings. I don't know which ones he's referring to, but in his estimation Hobbes was not simply the product of Calvin's perfervid brain.
Generally they're not quite hairless - they tend to have very short, wavy hair.
The little guy on the show had just finished losing his puppy fur, but his adult coat hadn't come in yet, which is why the owner could tell something was up--the ringworm showed up in all its ugly "glory" when the puppy was hairless.
Maybe Calvin just imagined Hobbes had his own reality...
I have no idea why I'm saying that.
That's mean.
It's 73 outside.
There's a chance of snow on saturday.
That is also mean.
Maybe Calvin just imagined Hobbes had his own reality...
It feels like a dream logic kind of thing, doesn't it? Like...since Calvin and his world is in itself a dream (being, you know...a comic strip), then any dreams within it, e.g. Hobbes' subjective reality independent of Calvin's perceptions, is equally valid.
And *I* don't know why I put so much thought into such stuff. *This* is why I don't have a better job.
sarameg: I think your weather needs an intervention.
I just checked by bank account. Apparently, I've been spending money like mad. I blame caramel lattes.
Ya know, having illegal representations of Calvin pee on my logo of choice is wildly counterculture and decidedly edgy and disrespectful of intellectual rights, but I don't think the devoutness that prompts one to display Calvin praying on the back of one's car comes from the same fuck-you-and-the-lawyer-you-rode-in-on place.
What? It's my tangent and I'll rant if I want to.
Maybe Dana should try a cold compress on one arm, and a hair dryer on the other. For purely scientific reasons!
I don't think the devoutness that prompts one to display Calvin praying on the back of one's car comes from the same fuck-you-and-the-lawyer-you-rode-in-on place.
I could actually see the impulse that prompts that Calvin praying sticker being very "fuck-you-and-the-lawyer-you-rode-in-on". As in "My God is bigger than your legal C&D order, nyah nyah."
It's all a big ass-haberdashery in my opinion.