I'm guessing saying Barbara's Cheese bakes won't help, will it.
AAAAAAHHHH! You're trying to keeeeell me! Is it not enough that I had to remove FIVE writing implements from my ceiling this afternoon, or that my students cannot reliably determine whether or not LEAD will SINK in WATER, you must taunt me with delectable snackybits as well?!?!
Salty-crunchy, plus cheesy . . . oh, my nemesis, someday I will conquer thee, I swear!
In WTF news, I stopped at Walgreen's on my way and was handed a box of 100 syringes without question, then had to sign for my Claratin D.
Lee, did they give you a sharps container too?
Nope. I'm a bad citizen, and don't use one. (I clip the needles though)
but I wonder what they do with the sharps container once you give it back? I mean, I returned mine, full, a few months ago and I kept thinking, well, now what happens to them?
brenda, your office sounds fantabulous. That is the most gorgeous breakroom I have ever seen.
We have free grapefruit juice in my office
Okay, ew. That's how I know I'm some sort of supertaster. Unless you package it in Ting with sugar and fizz, grapefruit is one of the worst tastes out there, Ruby Red or no. Disgusting.
Slamming migraine tonight, thanks to the pain specialist. I guess he had to poke around my back to diagnose me, but fuck. Luckily I have a massage tomorrow and a nerve block Friday. If I'm really really lucky I may be able to get some Celebrex tonight--anything to make some of this muscle soreness in my back go away, since it's feeding straight upwards into the headache.
Gah, ita. That's lousy. Hopefully it's worth it in the long run with what he's able to do, but it sure seems wrong to poke at someone who's, you know, already in pain.
And no Celebrex. My life sucks.
I'm not mad at him for poking. I guess I'm mad at him for not saying sorry. But it's not like I told him he'd triggered a headache anyway.
My back is like sheet metal. It's been like this since the Saturday night nightmares. Everything shoots up to the skull.
Is anybody watching the Riches? Oh wow! This is a messed up show. I love it. Hello
neighbor lady who picks locks and hands out pharmaceuticals.