Bitter depends a lot on the flavor. Other than that I really like most strong tastes - spicy, sour, etc. But
is still the devil's taste.
ETA: We have free grapefruit juice in my office. Yay! Actually we have a fancy schmancy coffee/espresso/latte machine and a separate one with oj, grapefruit, and lemonade. It's kind of crazy - this is our "breakroom": [link]
How crazy is that? There's a reason this company is a leader in workplace strategies, I guess. It's like a little cafe. And you can see Millenium Park and Soldier Field from the windows.
I'm home again! Yyyyyayyy.
But! No jail time, so I'm definitely one up on Erin.
Erin, Erin. My sister has a habit of racking up parking tix and other non-serious violations that just sit and sit, and I always think of you. Stop that! I'm so sorry you had to go through this, great story or not.
brenda, can I come work for your company?
I can't drink grapefruit juice. It makes my jaws hurt. I like eating grapefruit, but not too much, and only with sugar.
That makes me want a Ruby Red. They require no sugar.
Salt and vinegar
Sometimes I think I would kill for a bag of salt and vinegar potato chips. Tonight is one of those nights.
For all that's holy, stop saying salt and vinegar! I don't have any and would have to go way out of my way to get any (lime, yes; chili lime, yes; pork cracklings, either with or without salsa, yes; avocado-flavored lentil chips, yes; but salt and vinegar, nowhere nearby), and you're making me CRAVE them!
I'm guessing saying Barbara's Cheese bakes won't help, will it.
brenda, can I come work for your company?
Hey, why not?
It's actually quite fascinating - they've just remodelled all our offices, to the point that there really are almost no actual offices. It's all wide-open, few interior walls, lots of meeting spaces - the kind of area in the pic is intended to be a break area but also a place for impromptu meetings. And it's used that way, all the time. It's all about the whole "culture of collaboration" thing that a lot of companies talk about - they're trying to put their money where their mouth is.
It's especially interesting to me because at the soul-sucking place, we moved to bigger, beautifully designed, upscale space about a year ago, - what actually happened was that communication lines and interaction were so cut off that it was a whole different atmosphere, and it seriously impacted how we worked.
It's like board culture - this sort of set up, v. threaded, v. some of the other ways people do it - it's amazing how the physical [virtual] design affects how you interact.
t /space management lecture
brenda, I like that - we have an open-cubicle set-up, and they're going to make us into individual-cubical jockeys, and I dread it. How far would I have to relocate?
No, seriously. I'm hating my job lately. I keep telling myself I can't leave because I have no skills, but that is, in fact, ridiculous.
Oh, hell. The meds are kcikign in and I have to go to bed. Carry on without me! save yourselves