All Tomorrow's Parties pulls in so much stuff from his other books that it gets confusing anyway. I can totally see how that would happen.
Celebrated the loss of an hour by staying up way too late last night. Possibly not the best idea ever. Had to take a cab to work, was racing around like a maniac trying to get serious work done on two big, difficult projects by sandwiching them in between four separate meetings, one of which was five hours long. Just got home.
But you know what? I'm not in a bad mood, or feeling beat or anything. When I got out of the last meeting at 8, I was amazed that it was that late.
Guess I have a lot more mental stamina when I'm not being soul-sucked. Who knew?
Apparently I'm so removed from the buffyverse and emersed in the Grey'sverse that I first thought that ED stood for Eric Dane.
Better than my first thought....
Heh. (I'm guessing my first thought was the same as yours.)
In WTF news, I stopped at Walgreen's on my way and was handed a box of 100 syringes without question, then had to sign for my Claratin D.
In WTF news, I stopped at Walgreen's on my way and was handed a box of 100 syringes without question, then had to sign for my Claratin D.
Here in Maryland, insulin and needles are non-script. You can stab anything! Most places still ask if you have an insurance card, but most places have stopped asking me that after the third time I told them it was for
my cat.
My cats are both trying to convince me to take a nap. They've had outdoors time and have been fed, and now they're stretched out on my bed. It's after 7! If I fall asleep now, I'll never sleep through the night! Evil feline tempty-pants.
more powerful than a dozen vegans!
Hey, digesting all that celery and kale takes a lot of energy!
It would hurt like whoa for a little while (that will seem a lot longer), but it would clean out the cut nicely. And might stop the bleeding, though I hope that's already happened by now.
Awesome! I am applying medicinal whiskey directly to the mouth!
Obama was in my building today! Not that I saw him - see above re meetings - but I did hear the guards talking about it while I was racing from my office to a conference room at the hotel next door.
Shrift! Wanna meet up for a drink after work on Thurs or Friday?
t ulterior motives
t not that I need one