I like veggies
I always feel like I'm from another species when people say things like that. I have tried various vegetables, but the ones I can stand to eat are either an excuse for cheese sauce or high in carbs. Otherwise, they're far too bitter/acidic or of a texture that makes me want to gag.
God bless turkeys and chickens and cows and all the tasty critters on two and four legs. And the ones that swim, too.
Are Type O, connie? My sister is, and when she went on one of these blood type diets she was supposed to eat a lot of meat. The reasoning was something about O being the earliest blood type so you should eat like a hunter, or something, I don't remember what the justification was, but she was eating a lot of meat on that one.
God bless turkeys and chickens and cows and all the tasty critters on two and four legs. And the ones that swim, too.
You forgot those creatures that crawl along on their... what are those things that snails crawl around on?
You forgot those creatures that crawl along on their... what are those things that snails crawl around on?
Pseudopods. I didn't include them because I don't consider them food, so I don't have to bless them for giving up their allegedly-tasty selves for my appetites.
I'm type A+, which probably means I should be living on rutabagas or something. I did find out that I am not alone in having weird taste buds that find some foods more bitter than others. I've also gotten acid burns from tomatos that are insufficiently processed.
That's what I thought. But Wikipedia said no. I must have been looking at a different specific meaning.
I'm impressed that I remembered that term.
Well, I got pseudopods off the top of my head--and boy, is my hair sticky!
No, I'm not.
I would have called it a foot. Psudopods are something one-celled creatures use, I thought.
Yikes, Erin -- I take it things are sorted out by now?
Sometimes I am smarter than I know -- I came home to have soup for dinner, but was thinking it was too bad that now it's all spring and shit, so I didn't really feel like eating hot soup, but there was just one mugful left! Perfect. I froze the rest after I made it.
I was happily chomping away on stir-fried snow peas, and I bit the inside of my lip. In the same place I'd bitten it three times in the last 24 hours. This time it bled.
I am gingerly attempting to finish my dinner now.