I actually really love Beyonce. She's completely fabulous. But I feel a little bad for her here, since they let Jennifer Hudson sing a verse of her song. Because Hudson is a significantly better singer, which most people wouldn't notice except when they go one after the other like that.
That said, I think "Listen" is a very good song, no matter who is singing it. Certainly the best song my students have loved this year.
somebody probably said "everybody wear a red dress"
Don't get my mother started on how she feels bad for Beyonce being overshadowed by pretty much everyone else in that movie.
I shan't.
Congratulations, Melissa Etheridge!
That's quite a burn on Dreamgirls! I guess they must have split the vote.
Sonic just cracked me up!
But I feel a little bad for her here, since they let Jennifer Hudson sing a verse of her song. Because Hudson is a significantly better singer, which most people wouldn't notice except when they go one after the other like that.
yeah, that's probably why we got all of the glory noteing and dramatics, she was trying to make up for the weakness of her voice versus Jennifer Hudson. She was really terrific in the movie. Dramatic, but controlled.