Right now his old co is pushing a lot of buttons- everything from 'won't you be bored' to ' look at all these people you will be leaving in the lurch' . Boredom is perhaps an real issue, but evertime he joined a company he has gone way beyond the original parameters of the job he was hired for that I suspect that he really won't be bored. OTH, part of the point of this job was to find something that would allow him to do the other things he really likes to do - a job that would leave him with more energy.
so the new job is going well, brenda?
It's going great - this was an excellent move for me. I got really lucky.
That's good to hear, Brenda.
I'm happy with my new job. there are a few things that make me nervous- like being in a system with no money, but I felt almost instantly at home. I am seeing myself get busier and busier. I have started talking about going back to my old library as a sub - which DH is less than thrilled about - But since he likes to spend whole weekend days in the garage working on guitars - I think we can deal with me working an occassional weekend day.
I knew there was something missing in my life!
If only I had known that the fruit of the weekend was the banana before I went to the grocery store.
Instead I bought the excitingly cheap strawberries.
sumi. strawberries are NEVER the wrong choice. In fact, when they're exceedingly cheap, what would be wrong is if you *didn't* buy them.
Under Torchwood
A Parody for Voices
via Making Light
I bought some not-so-cheap strawberries a couple hours ago. But being able to select from loose ones so I can make sure they're all small and on the verge of over-ripeness (and thus maximum flavor!) but with no actual rot or mold is worth the extra scratch.
Also dropped and left behind my Mastercard while fumbling in my wallet—fortunately someone found it and turned it in very quickly.