Audio books on my iPod is what makes that boring time bearable. Music's okay, but James Bond with the eyes closed makes time fly.
Puttering around my C drive seeing what space I can reclaim. I really need to borrow Ghost and upgrade the puppy.
There are apps here that I've never heard of and can't imagine a need for. The Kazoo 3D thing comes right off.
I think I need to replace the battery in my Razr phone. It's a year and three months old and it's not holding a charge as well as it once did.
I'm not up for an upgrade until this summer, sadly, else I'd just go ahead and get a new phone. I still like my Razr but I would also prefer it in pink.
My Razr is such a piece of crap, I'm counting the days until I can get a different phone. Cute, but aggravating. It turns itself off about half of the time I shut it.
For some reason I find this photo very funny. [link]
My Razr isn't bad--except for the battery life. It sucks. Won't even last the night with continual bluetooth on.
I have this super cheapo free-with-contract phone (the SO has the nice one, 'cause he actually uses it to, like, talk to people; I use mine to check the time. It's a pocket watch, really.) and a couple of days ago it was mysteriously broken. Antenna was dangling, wouldn't hold a charge. No idea what happened, it was just in my pocket. I took the charger with me, drove down the hill and back up the hill. The next day, the phone was fine. Antenna was firmly secured, holds the charge fine, everything's fine.
No idea what happened. I'm gonna go with gnomes.
"Mmmm, tasty lizard. I'ma chomp him."
Liese, did you happen to run into Taye Diggs? Or Sandra Bullock?
While I was out lizard chomping? No.
Hee, brenda. I edited to make you look crazy.