I have this super cheapo free-with-contract phone (the SO has the nice one, 'cause he actually uses it to, like, talk to people; I use mine to check the time. It's a pocket watch, really.) and a couple of days ago it was mysteriously broken. Antenna was dangling, wouldn't hold a charge. No idea what happened, it was just in my pocket. I took the charger with me, drove down the hill and back up the hill. The next day, the phone was fine. Antenna was firmly secured, holds the charge fine, everything's fine.
No idea what happened. I'm gonna go with gnomes.
"Mmmm, tasty lizard. I'ma chomp him."
Liese, did you happen to run into Taye Diggs? Or Sandra Bullock?
While I was out lizard chomping? No.
Hee, brenda. I edited to make you look crazy.
I've just watched a comprehensive video on how to replace my iPod battery. Now I'm thinking that it was enough work just to
and it would be much, much easier to let some nice person do it for me. Even if I could, in theory, do it myself, because I can feel the phantom sweat breaking out on my phantom forehead as I fiddle with the tiny fiddly bits. Also, my case is slightly bent, so the fiddly part is gonna be even more fiddlier.
Also, I might have to be without the iPod for a while, if I send it off or whatever.
The sound on my Razr sucks. Overheard at the cell phone place: "Yeah. most cell phones are made to last about a year."
Really, asshats? Because then why is your contract TWO years?
I'm convinced that 90% of cellphone companies that require contracts are eeeeevil. Which is why I'm still fairly happy with Virgin Mobile, who do NOT require a contract, it is totally pay as you go. Although you can't get a RAZR or a Treo or an iPhone through them.
The sound on my Razr sucks. Overheard at the cell phone place: "Yeah. most cell phones are made to last about a year."
Previously, I've always been able to upgrade once a year. I don't know why they switched to 18 months. The Razr is the first phone I've had that I wanted to keep longer than a year. I'm locked in with Cingular for one more year and I've got six months to go until I can get an upgraded phone. I may start looking at other companies.
Unless Cingular starts offering the pebble. I think I want to try that phone.