My past three pairs were bought with Kat. I'm willing to spend the money (okay, less so now, but they've gotten ahold of my immortal soul) if the fuckers fit. For about 20 years, I was only needing them to not fall off.
This fitting thing is new, and I guess I'm spending the money to limit the amount of trying on I have to do.
Uh-Oh. I still have more than 2 hours of work left, and I'm almost out of fic to read.
My past three pairs were bought with Kat.
Hey! What about the pair I sized for you??
This weekend, I'm going to make that no-knead bread, and possibly something else in the dutch oven as well, but I don't know what. Also some laundry and cleaning the kitchen (theoretically), and a lot of relaxing.
My past three pairs were bought with Kat.
She's good that way. The last time I went shopping I was with her, and we somehow ended up buying the same skirt and tee shirt.
The jeans I was alone, found them while I was window shopping and waiting to get a haircut. That's also how, last summer, I tried on a lovely pair of jeans that were $150 and I realized that I just couldn't spend that much on jeans. A dress, yes; shoes, yes; jeans, no.
This weekend, I'm going to make that no-knead bread
Is that the one with the watery dough that you leave in the fridge for a couple of days? Tell me how it turns out. Even better, can you send me the recipe?
Oh yeah. Nothing like coming home to discover that your roommate's cat has puked on your bed.
Though I have yet to meet any of David's excellent barkeeps. I need to rectify that.
Indeed. Well, all my favorites at the Zam Zam left. It's just Bob the owner now. He's okay and certainly makes a very stiff martini, but it's not as it was. And now Alberta has left the Orbit Room. She IMed the the other day so I know she's up to something, but I'm not sure where.
However, Josie at the Alembic is definitely still there and she's very cool and makes excellent drinks. The Alembic has an impressive selection of Scotch and Whiskey. And since they're an off-shoot of Magnolia Brewing (where I took Nora), they've got many fine beers there as well.
Burrell, I googled up the recipe here: [link] I should start it tonight, but maybe not.
Burrell, and Jesse, Nutty posted the recipe with some of her comments on making it, here: Nutty "Natter 48 Contiguous States of Denial" Nov 24, 2006 2:29:19 pm PST
I tried on a lovely pair of jeans that were $150 and I realized that I just couldn't spend that much on jeans. A dress, yes; shoes, yes; jeans, no.
I would pay that much for a dress. Very not for shoes. Yet. But when I break it down, I'm in these things all the time. On a per wearage basis, $150 jeans come to be quite cost effective. But that's almost the inverse of how we budget for clothing.
Hey! What about the pair I sized for you??
Pre Kat? I use the question mark because I'm having a memory lapse. But I bought a pair with Kat, which went missing in the laundry, and she spoon fed me through replacing them, plus a spare.
Okay, back to lying down. Just had to turn down tickets to a cast and crew screening of
Because I teach. The unwilling
Ghost Rider
viewer is so jazzed about
but he's teaching too. I shouldn't ditch, because it's paid teaching, but if he ditches I'm skipping merrily too.
Probably not.
Back to lying down.