Though I expect she would've taken greater care to destroy the hair on the floor afterwards, instead of leaving it for the salon owner to auction it off on eBay.
The chain of custody is pretty broken by that point, though. There's not good evidence that it's her hair. Unless they do a DNA test, I guess, but I think you have to find a bulb for that. On the other hand, destruction of potential evidence IS evidence in itself.
God I just had the weirdest conversation at work. A counsel who called me in to see if I thought he should accept an offer of partnership at another firm. How did it get to be 3:15?!
I think Jessica said she hated Babel. I haven't seen it.
I hope Scorsese gets Best Director.
I heard that Babel and Crash are both popular among actors, the largest voting block in the Oscars.
I think I might leave early today. For no good reason, other than it irks me to sit here not getting work done, when I could be sitting at home not getting work done. Hmmm.
Did anyone like Babel? Or is it this year's Crash?
I think it's this year's Crash. It's a Message Movie and actors think that's important. Stupid actors.
(Just kidding, actor friends and wife.)
Yeah, I think Scorsese's oscar is also a gimme.
There's not good evidence that it's her hair.
What about a DNA test?
I hope Scorsese gets Best Director.
I'm going to try to watch The Departed tonight.
My lunch didn't take AT ALL. And I have no proper snacks here. I was going to run to get a chai latte for snack this afternoon but I have a document I must finish today. And that I would maybe have finished earlier except I also had to finish writing lyrics to our new song about the world's tallest man who saved that dolphin's life! Which I did. And, I have to say, it is EPIC.
What about a DNA test?
Needs to have a skin tag attached. According to CSI, at least.
Jesse, go early, choose early!
I am planning to be out of here the second my last class ends at 3:00. I've been spectacularly unproductive today, and I don't think sitting around here any longer is going to help the matter any. I've got two sets of papers (a set of analytic essays and a set of creative Odyssey-esque stories) to do before Wednesday since 2nd trimster finals are Wednesday morning...and then I have to write narrative comments and get everything finalized for report cards the week after that. You would think that these deadlines would inspire me to get work done today, yet not so much.
I am still so full from lunch! Oh cupcake, why must you be so delicious.
It's a Message Movie and actors think that's important.
I was thinking that the thing it has in common with Crash is work for a lot of actors.