New reports on Britney's meltdown suggest that the head-shaving came after K-Fed threatened to have her drug tested during their custody fight for the kids, using hair samples.
Though I expect she would've taken greater care to destroy the hair on the floor afterwards, instead of leaving it for the salon owner to auction it off on eBay.
That's all I got on celebrity gossip.
Don't the Oscars look to be insanely predictable this year?
Helen Mirren - Best Actress
Forest Whitaker - Best Actor
Jennifer Hudson - Best Supporting Actress
Eddie Murphy - Best Supporting Actor
I figure Babel will get Best Picture.
Other people's tragedy can make your misfortune look less bad. Of course, then you can fall into the trap of "at least nobody's dead," which really doesn't always make everything OK, you know?
Don't the Oscars look to be insanely predictable this year?
I just interviewed someone that I really liked, but I'm a little afraid it was at least in part because she's pretty. Hmm.
That's a whole lot of negroes.
Did anyone like
Or is it this year's
Though I expect she would've taken greater care to destroy the hair on the floor afterwards, instead of leaving it for the salon owner to auction it off on eBay.
The chain of custody is pretty broken by that point, though. There's not good evidence that it's her hair. Unless they do a DNA test, I guess, but I think you have to find a bulb for that. On the other hand, destruction of potential evidence IS evidence in itself.
God I just had the weirdest conversation at work. A counsel who called me in to see if I thought he should accept an offer of partnership at another firm. How did it get to be 3:15?!
I think Jessica said she hated Babel. I haven't seen it.
I hope Scorsese gets Best Director.
I heard that Babel and Crash are both popular among actors, the largest voting block in the Oscars.
I think I might leave early today. For no good reason, other than it irks me to sit here not getting work done, when I could be sitting at home not getting work done. Hmmm.
Did anyone like Babel? Or is it this year's Crash?
I think it's this year's Crash. It's a Message Movie and actors think that's important. Stupid actors.
(Just kidding, actor friends and wife.)
Yeah, I think Scorsese's oscar is also a gimme.
There's not good evidence that it's her hair.
What about a DNA test?
I hope Scorsese gets Best Director.
I'm going to try to watch The Departed tonight.
My lunch didn't take AT ALL. And I have no proper snacks here. I was going to run to get a chai latte for snack this afternoon but I have a document I must finish today. And that I would maybe have finished earlier except I also had to finish writing lyrics to our new song about the world's tallest man who saved that dolphin's life! Which I did. And, I have to say, it is EPIC.