Do they still have the ancient wooden escalators in Boston--on the Red Line, I think? Those were very cool. They made a great clanka-clanka noise.
I occasionally will deliberately catch the late local news. Mainly for the weather, but sometimes they answer my questions about things like
What were all those helicopters doing?
Often they have some insipid story that somehow ties in to whatever hit tv show was on that night. Which can result in unintended hilarity.
I just have to be careful to avoid them when we are being terrorized by the killer snakeheads or whatever.
Someone's probably already posted this, but just in case:
Giant Squid Photos.
I'm surprised by how many matches results from googling
escalator death.
Often they have some insipid story that somehow ties in to whatever hit tv show was on that night
Especially those "Ripped from the headlines!" stories. I have more respect from my local news when they aren't taking cues from the PR department at NBC etc.
I don't watch Fox News. It's moral thing.
Do they still have the ancient wooden escalators in Boston?
Alas, no. I remember the one that was right near Filene's and Jordan Marsh. It had to have been one of the first escalators in the country -- probably it originally ran on steampower.
I have such a fear of down escalators that, if I got on an ancient one, I'd be screaming to get off of it again.
Never ride the subway escalators in Moscow, Kathy. Or at least the ones they had in '91. Fast, steep and really, really long.
I'm fine once I get on them (although I can get dizzy looking down long steep ones, like the one at the San Diego ballpark--I still get vertigo from remembering that one!), it's just the getting on them part that gives me palpitations.