It was a live report on a BROKEN ESCALATOR. People had to walk up 26 steps to get to the ferry!
Humph. The Davis Sq. escalator has been downf or service for 2 weeks, and will be another 2 weeks. (Right up till today they had a big pile of escalator steps labeled "good steps" and a different pile not labeled, but so covered with gunk and elderly dust bunnies that they were clearly the Bad Steps.) And I have not had a single news van to describe my sorrow!!
When I lived in the DC area, I am not even sure they covered every instance of someone being mangled in an escalator -- it seemed to happen all the time. (Although they did cover that one time a guy's
hoodie strings caught in the mechanism and strangled him.)
If we have to use stairs, then the terrorists have already won.
They hate us for our escalators.
You mean TERROR STEPS, right?
SO CLOSE to being an x-post. Damn my slow fingers!
This is why I don't watch local tv news anymore. They led with Obama's Hollywood fundraiser the one time I did try and watch in the past week, and all the breathless reporting over who was there disgusted me in all its starfuckingmania, so I turned the tv off.
I remember the escalators going out at one London station and it being entirely newsworthy. The Hampstead escalators run almost 200 feet up, so when they're out, it's best you don't get off at that station.
The annoying Google images javascript seems to have disappeared!
Do they still have the ancient wooden escalators in Boston--on the Red Line, I think? Those were very cool. They made a great clanka-clanka noise.
I occasionally will deliberately catch the late local news. Mainly for the weather, but sometimes they answer my questions about things like
What were all those helicopters doing?
Often they have some insipid story that somehow ties in to whatever hit tv show was on that night. Which can result in unintended hilarity.
I just have to be careful to avoid them when we are being terrorized by the killer snakeheads or whatever.
Someone's probably already posted this, but just in case:
Giant Squid Photos.