How did the news crews find out about the rats?
Oh, man, someone saw it and called them! NYC news (other than NY1) doesn't have anything better to do. I will give an example. At 8:30 last night I left work and saw a lone news truck with its antenna up. I couldn't see from where the newsguy was supposed to be reporting so I tuned in to the 11 pm newscast. It was a live report on a BROKEN ESCALATOR. People had to walk up 26 steps to get to the ferry!
It was a live report on a BROKEN ESCALATOR. People had to walk up 26 steps to get to the ferry!
It's important that news of broken escalators be delivered to viewers from an on-the-spot news team. Because if a news anchor just delivers the news from his desk, people won't be aware of the true magnitude of the catastrophe.
"Jesus! Get in here and program my VCR for me!"
"Oh, come on, Dad, haven't you figured that one out yet??"
12. Yea, and though the LORD had created the heavens and Earth, the beasts of the field and the birds of the air, the fish of the oceans and all that walk upon the Earth, he was sore vexed.
13. And the LORD sayeth unto his only Son, "Jesus, you must show unto me the way."
14. And Jesus said unto the LORD "Father, seriously. Again?"
15. And the LORD said unto his only son, "Jesus, I who am called I Am cannot get the clock to stop flashing the twelfth hour."
16. And Jesus did heave a heavy sigh and he did take the remote control from the LORD and he did say unto the LORD "It's really very simple."
17. And the LORD did mutter under His breath about "new-fangled contraptions."
People had to walk up 26 steps to get to the ferry!
You mean TERROR STEPS, right?
You mean TERROR STEPS, right?
If we have to use stairs, then the terrorists have already won.
I have no more QI to watch. Woe. All gone.
It was a live report on a BROKEN ESCALATOR. People had to walk up 26 steps to get to the ferry!
Humph. The Davis Sq. escalator has been downf or service for 2 weeks, and will be another 2 weeks. (Right up till today they had a big pile of escalator steps labeled "good steps" and a different pile not labeled, but so covered with gunk and elderly dust bunnies that they were clearly the Bad Steps.) And I have not had a single news van to describe my sorrow!!
When I lived in the DC area, I am not even sure they covered every instance of someone being mangled in an escalator -- it seemed to happen all the time. (Although they did cover that one time a guy's
hoodie strings caught in the mechanism and strangled him.)
If we have to use stairs, then the terrorists have already won.
They hate us for our escalators.
You mean TERROR STEPS, right?
SO CLOSE to being an x-post. Damn my slow fingers!