WTF was that tommyrot!?!
Freshie. I still have to struggle to not call you by your real name, particularly if you're posting about something serious.
I didn't think most people would remember what it was. I shall heretofore and forthwith cease all manner of posting anything of serious material weight. Like for reals.
Seriously -- what was that picture supposed to be about??
Former Boston Celtic Dennis Johnson died, today.
Seriously -- what was that picture supposed to be about??
I'm trying to remember where I found that... something about "politically incorrect" photos.... but there was more to it....
Nora, at a guess you've got some kind of electrical ignition for the oven part. It could be something like a broken wire, or else the thermocouple has stopped working. Unfortunately, it's definitely the kind of problem that you really want a professional to look at, because with the gas and the electricity and the possible Going Boom.
Yeah, that's what I was thinking too. The manual we have refers to both manual pilot stoves and electric ignition ones.
Bah! We have a dinner party on Saturday! I wanted to make chicken pot pie!
OK, finally found where that came from....
Controversial Cyberpunk Art
Some of the pictures are as odd/disturbing as the one I linked to....
Playing with political correctness
...but really just lashing out against any ideology and indoctrination: the work of Dutch artist Bart Van Leeuwen may amaze and even shock you. It's the edgiest technology/propaganda hybrid that I've seen in years.
Looking at some of his other artwork, I'm still confused as to what he's trying to do.
eta: His website says:
The content of our thruth depends upon our appropriating the historical foundation
which doesn't help much.... More from his site:
All symbols contained on are carefully selected to provoke thought through association. There are absolutely no intentions of promoting or encouraging fascist or racist acts, nor does the content represent any political statements. All works are reinterpretations of historical events. These images are not provided for commercial or public use. All images are intended for individual, private entertainment. If you are a racist or a fascist - FUCK OFF!
OK, this OC finale might be the most ridiculous episode of television ever aired. I mean, ever.
Hey, I have a poll question! I just got a small dutch oven, and am looking for suggestions for what to cook in it this weekend.
Oh, random funny: earlier tonight, a coworker asked me if I'd ever heard of TWoP. I do tend to think of her as a little me.
I'll just keep posting...
The ridiculous ending montage of the OC totally made me tear up, LIKE A SUCKER.
I just watched CSI--I like it when they play coy with the Sara/Gil relationship, but
that ending was just a tad too precious.
Oh, I did manage to get over to the pool after work, and did the full 15 laps (half backstroke, other half front) and five minutes of kicking (which not only got my butt sore, but also had my inner thighs crying by the time I was done). I think I'll be sleeping goooood tonight!
Kathy, you are making me miss swimming. I used to do an hour plus in the pool, cranking it out. A couple miles, I think. Had shoulders like you wouldn't believe and made clothes a pain but I felt at home (mostly crawl except for warm up and cool down. Those were mostly ..erm, I forgot the name. The froggish things.)
It was so much easier when the pool was en route.
Holy crap, my eyelid is spazzing out. Kinda freaky.