Best customer service move I've ever seen was when Google sent coworker a box full of tshirts, pens, little flash drives, a fleece and god only knows what else as "combat pay" after the drive thingie they'd sent burst into flame. Oh, and a condolences card. Best part was the box was the original drive's box, so he thought it was the replacement drive. That came the next day.
It wasn't their fault, all they had to do was send a new drive. But someone had a lot of fun instead. It was adorable.
Am not!
Freshie. I still have to struggle to not call you by your real name, particularly if you're posting about something serious.
Mr. Jane's parents wouldn't let him in the house when the Lakers played the Celtics if he insisted on rooting for the Lakers.
Are they from Boston?
The wrongest picture in the history of the universe: [link]
OK, its wrongness is slightly mitigated in that it is totally confusing what the artist was trying to say....
Why oh why when I'm working late to fix a critical problem does my computer start acting up? Explorer keeps locking up on me all the time.
McAfee is doing it to me and I don't think I can turn it off with my account. I hate antivirus software.
That sucks, Gud.
For those who missed last week's GA, they are reshowing it tonight in the UB spot. For those who don't read their tv guides. Like me.
But I'm watching the Top Design repeat instead. . . well, until that last minute. Because that last minute is a doozy.
So, you know, pilot lighting time. But there's not a pilot looking thing, just... wires. WTFF? Any clues?
Nora, out here the gas company will come out and light any pilot lights for free, just to happily do their part to prevent house explosions. You might consider giving you gas co. a call to see if they do the same. You'd have to wait for them to show up, but it's something to consider.
Nora, at a guess you've got some kind of electrical ignition for the oven part. It could be something like a broken wire, or else the thermocouple has stopped working. Unfortunately, it's definitely the kind of problem that you
want a professional to look at, because with the gas and the electricity and the possible Going Boom.
I smited McAfee's process and my computer has become much less flaky. The tray icon won't die, but it appears to be defanged.