Seriously, we'd be all "One time...this lady called...and she just asked for what she needed."
All right. Ima do it from now on. But if they act shocked at my lack of social graces, I'm totally blaming all of you. And they'll be all, "Your invisible friends told you to say what, now?"
I just ran out of internet. How vexing.
There is only one way to survive angry customers emotionally: you have to realize that they’re not angry at you; they’re angry at your business, and you just happen to be a convenient representative of that business.
And sometimes? They're just assholes.
I just ran out of internet. How vexing.
Turn your computer upside down over a sink and shake it. That should drain off some Internet and let you have some more.
There is only one way to survive angry customers emotionally: you have to realize that they’re not angry at you; they’re angry at your business, and you just happen to be a convenient representative of that business.
And sometimes? They're just assholes.
That was actually one of the points I didn't much agree with. "Pretend you're a puppet and let it slide by..." Okay, Joel, let's see how well you do when the customer indulges in profanity and ad hominem attacks. "Sir, I understand you're upset, but please stop calling my puppet's mother a cocksucking leprous whore."
you have to realize that they’re not angry at you; they’re angry at your business, and you just happen to be a convenient representative of that business.
I do that a lot. Explain to support that I'm not mad at them, but I'm mad that I had to call. When I am specifically mad at them, though, I try and make that clear. And get their name.
My favourite is my mother, though, who led off a support call with "Yes, hello, I'm a very angry person, just to give you some background." She's very cute. I do love her. I don't know how the rest of the call went, but I guess it's a little better if the person calling's at least self aware about the whole thing.
Wordsworth had no sense of smell.
Wordsworth had no sense of smell.
Also, Smellington was a mute.