How does one join the Illuminati?
Send a postcard and a money order (or check made out to "cash") in the amount of $5000.00 to:
(stop looking at me like that, Aimee, you want that new furniture or not?)
(Is it *my* fault that he might be willing to send us money? I'll send him a "membership card" or something. I'll make it up on the computer and laminate it. Now shush.)
(Okay, lookit, it's not like I...well, okay it *is* like I...*sigh*)
You can't, Gud.
Oh, I think I forgot to wish Jon a Happy Birthday, too, so...Happy Birthday, O Silver Giver of Sweet Theremin Music!
You give up too easily.
Damn you and your Refuse to Lie for Financial Gain Boy Scout honesty!
You couldda been President by now1
for all I know you run out of food four times a year in Siberia
I was going to say -- isn't Siberia historically an all-fast-alla-time location? Anyway, if it isn't, I think Siberia needs to sue the estate of Joseph Stalin for ruining its reputation.
You can't, Gud.
Crap, I'll just have to start my own world dominiating secret organization. I'm going to call it the "No Illuminaties".
If I join, do I get a title? And possibly some swag? You know, secret swag that I can't show anybody until the hero shows up and it's just lying around in my apartment and tips him off to my nefarious plans?
Can I join?
Sure, just send a postcard and a money order (or check made out to "cash") in the amount of $5000.00 to:
Gudanov, 1 Gudanov Circle, Peculiar MO. 64011
You'll get an offical membership card printed in invisible ink and directions for the secret handshake that you'll have to eat after memorizing (the paper is mint flavored). If you get in early, you can run the world bank or maybe the U.N.
If I join, do I get a title? And possibly some swag? You know, secret swag that I can't show anybody until the hero shows up and it's just lying around in my apartment and tips him off to my nefarious plans?
Yes, maybe, and we discourage that.
Sure, just send a postcard and a money order (or check made out to "cash") in the amount of $5000.00 to:
Gudanov, 1 Gudanov Circle, Peculiar MO. 64011
Okay, that's G-U-D-A...
(Thank you folks, you've been a hell of an audience! The Miracleman and Gud show will be here all week, two shows nightly with a matinee on Sunday! Remember to tip your veal and enjoy your waitress! G'night!)