Well, but like, chitlins and haggis are definitley poor people's food (they're made of stomach, intestine -- basically, they are proto-hotdogs). And chitlins are not called pig-intestines; they are called chitlins.
That's a good point, but I think I can handwave it through the specificity of the dish they refer to.
Also, between mutton and lamb, mutton is definitely poorer -- being both tougher and gamier in taste -- but which one is the same name as the critter being et?
But I think they didn't used to be - lamb as a common meat was a by product of expanding wool markets, something about culling the herds and adult sheep being more valuable, I forget the details. Back in the day, there weren't surplus lamb to get eaten and mutton was, as juliana's cite puts it better than me, eaten by Normans.
I unfortunately learned about this site because a Georgia legislator from North Georgia (that's Deliverance country) has proposed a bill [link] to ban evolution because it's really a Jewish plot. Sigh.
The head of the Texas House Appropriations Committee (which is about as powerful as you can be in the Texas House without being the Speaker) referred to that site in a press conference and later claimed that he had never looked at it and didn't realize that it was anti-Semitic.
I unfortunately learned about this site because a Georgia legislator from North Georgia (that's Deliverance country) has proposed a bill [link] to ban evolution because it's really a Jewish plot.
Curses, they're on to us!
Why do people even listen to these idiots?
Last night on Fox News’s Hannity and Colmes, right-wing radio host Neal Boortz claimed that teachers unions are “destroying a generation” and are “much more dangerous than al Qaeda.” He stated, “Look, Al Qaeda, they could bring in a nuke into this country and kill 100,000 people with a well-placed nuke somewhere. Ok. We would recover from that. It would be a terrible tragedy, but the teachers unions in this country can destroy a generation.” Sean Hannity agreed, noting, “They are ruining our school system.”
“Look, Al Qaeda, they could bring in a nuke into this country and kill 100,000 people with a well-placed nuke somewhere. Ok. We would recover from that. It would be a terrible tragedy, but the teachers unions in this country can destroy a generation.”
If Jack Bauer is battling teacher's unions next season, I will stop watching.
If Jack Bauer is battling teacher's unions next season, I will stop watching.
If Jack Bauer is battling teacher's unions next season, I will stop watching.
Oh, no. I'd totally watch that. The bureaucracy would kill him dead.
I would be very impressed if the teachers I know could make their students glow in the dark. They would be the awesomest teachers evar!!
(Especially if they could do it without also killing the students, or turning them sterile, or toppling the infrastructure of any major cities while they are at it.)
Temporary baby tattoos: [link]
I think the pirate one is the best.
Oh, and there are totally fixed earth geeks. I picked up a brochure from some at the last convention I was at (was disappointed there wasn't anyone there to talk to) and it was all filled with numbers and obsessive bits of information, just like any other fandom based around a completely fictional topic. It was just, you know, not labeled as fanfic.
eta: I cannot watch the Heroes or anything else because the SO's sickroom is the tv room! Get better SO! Or maybe I should get another tv.