“Look, Al Qaeda, they could bring in a nuke into this country and kill 100,000 people with a well-placed nuke somewhere. Ok. We would recover from that. It would be a terrible tragedy, but the teachers unions in this country can destroy a generation.”
If Jack Bauer is battling teacher's unions next season, I will stop watching.
If Jack Bauer is battling teacher's unions next season, I will stop watching.
If Jack Bauer is battling teacher's unions next season, I will stop watching.
Oh, no. I'd totally watch that. The bureaucracy would kill him dead.
I would be very impressed if the teachers I know could make their students glow in the dark. They would be the awesomest teachers evar!!
(Especially if they could do it without also killing the students, or turning them sterile, or toppling the infrastructure of any major cities while they are at it.)
Temporary baby tattoos: [link]
I think the pirate one is the best.
Oh, and there are totally fixed earth geeks. I picked up a brochure from some at the last convention I was at (was disappointed there wasn't anyone there to talk to) and it was all filled with numbers and obsessive bits of information, just like any other fandom based around a completely fictional topic. It was just, you know, not labeled as fanfic.
eta: I cannot watch the Heroes or anything else because the SO's sickroom is the tv room! Get better SO! Or maybe I should get another tv.
just like any other fandom based around a completely fictional topic.
::waits for the Galileo/Copernicus slash::
For Steph.
I totally want to give people these. Good for all ages, really.
Buzz Aldrin is still my favorite astronaut ever, because he decked a flat-earther. Al Bean is my number two guy, partially because he was played by Dave Foley in From the Earth to the Moon, but mostly because I actually met him and he was really nice.
I've got paczkis!! I found that bakery in Arlington Heights, and it's about as Polish a place as you can get, what with the three Polish ladies working behind the counter and the customer having a nice conversation with one of them in Polish. They had fifteen flavors, and I got 11 (she shorted me out of the dozen, which I didn't realize until I got back to work--oh, well): rosehip, plum, custard, boozy custard (with liquor), strawberry, blueberry, lemon, raspberry, and a few others. The plum one was very good, indeed!