Timelies all!
Boskone was fun, what I saw of it. I ended up getting to the hotel around 2:45 pm on Saturday, thanks to delays with the rebooked flight. G and I did a belated Valentine's Day dinner at Meritage, in the Boston Harbor Hotel. Very nice.
Of course, the flight back to BWI was delayed. sigh...
It really is a hurdle, for I am that lame as well.
You know what? I need to thank everyone here for putting up with me in what appears to be my venture at Being Wrong. I really don't like being wrong. Really, really, really. It's a huge stumbling block for me (but I really DID smell burning clutch, damnit.) But y'all have been nice and not laughed at me. At least, not told me you were laughing. That counts.
Phsaw. Anyway, it sounds like you were being careful, not wrong.
Never hurts to be careful with your car, especially considering that you're driving around in it at 55+ miles per hour at times!!
I'm watching Animal Precinct right now, and the happy ending section is particularly sweet with this ep--a rescued kitten was adopted by one of the show's cameramen, and they show him at home with his SO, the kitten, and their newly-adopted mophead of a mutt puppy (same age as the kitten), who is apparently in love with the kitten and loves to lick him on his head. Awwwww!
If only more of life's dramas could end with a kitten getting its head licked by a puppy....
So do I have to pay state taxes on all my internet orders from last year?
Technically? Yes. In the real world? No way.
It took me til 11pm to sit down to dinner, but I have found the dish I can use to impress dates and not have to deal with a grill that will only cook 1 serving of meat at a time. Since my initial try at cooking a sirloin roast turned out well after some stumbles along the way, this time I knew to cook for a little over 2 hours. And I opted to combine the previous rosemary rub with fresher herbs from last night's Italian restaurant (that normally would have been used with olive oil to season bread). An hour in, I flipped the roast and covered it with crumbled feta cheese, chopped celery, and sliced pearl onions. And remembered to use tinfoil so I'd have liquid juices to pour over the lot rather than a charred residue.
It's so good I literally licked clean the plate I sliced it on.