It's okay. Mostly, I'm okay. Just irritated that, because I'm so exhausted all the time, I really don't have a life. Slept all day yesterday, slept then graded today, will be making lesson plans all day tomorrow (thank god for the three-day weekend!). It would be easier to motivate myself to get it done if I noticed it making a difference, but... Meanwhile, because I spend 12 hours a day at school and do work at home, my place is a pigsty, I still haven't done anything about the thousand-dollar bill I don't know if I owe or not, and I've been meaning to order groceries for three weeks now.
However: two of my students got into the local arts high school (one wrote me a thank-you valentine for having corrected her grade -- which I screwed up in the first place)! And many of them are total sweethearts. I just wish they weren't finding math such a chore. And in the same vein, that I could spend more time teaching and less time explaining to the knuckleheads that they've now reached: name on the board and they need to be quiet or get five minutes of detention/ one check and they need to choose whether to keep quiet or get another five minutes of detention/ two checks and they need to choose to be quiet or get a phone call home/ three checks and they need to be quiet or go to the buddy room for a time-out/ four checks they need to leave the room yes really no you can't go to a different teacher's room yes I know you hate the buddy room that's why you're going there you have to the count of five to go and then I'll call security okay so as I was saying the Pythagorean Theorem-- that's the bell.
Oops. Sorry for the whine. Things aren't all bad (just my students' grades!) and my room is starting to look better (although still unhea-- I have to stop inserting parenthetical statements or I'll never stop complaining!). And I have a great new-teacher coach, and the other teachers there are WONDERFUL -- I will really miss them next year.
(And let's be honest -- my place would be a pigsty even if I had all day to lounge around. That's what happens to an Emily without a vwbug around.)