Consuela, I think there were several things going on there. First,
they not only lost the game, but it wasn't finished. And, it wasn't finished because of a fight that, in their eyes, Dillon started. Go after Smash because he's a "Junkyard Dog." Even his own coach believes it, so why wouldn't they give him up.
I'll have to ask Dad if he has any stories like that from when he was at Ole Miss.
shrift, I have this Alan Davies stand-up thing to bring you. Do you want it as a VCD or just an AVI?
FNL: Suela:
I was flabbergasted that the cops stopped the bus. Does that shit happen?
I watched that bit and thought to myself, "Self, okay, they are not really meaning to imply that we are one step away from
Emmett Till.
Self, just because the filmmakers are allowing me to infer such a thing does not mean that is what they intend."
But wow was I inferring it. And, yeah, that's not
"a mistake." Holding or expressing a shitty attitude is a mistake; abusing your power to pursue a teenager, in hopes of hurting him, is a federal case waiting to happen.
In some ways, it was effective drama, because I expected the worst out of small-town Texas. In other ways, it felt like it exploited my stereotypes of small-town Texas, because they better not have been implying what I inferred.
[edit: sorry!]
shrift, I have this Alan Davies stand-up thing to bring you. Do you want it as a VCD or just an AVI?
We can play both, so whichever one is easier for you.
I know AVI works, so I'll go with that.
Also, Dana have you read the Sorbo thing on f_w? Because I'm laughing so hard that I'm crying, possibly due to the MST3K quotes that Joe Don Baker's picture inspired.
I totally read the link as check your panties, and clicked. Then found that the 2 jars of peanut butter I just bought a couple days ago have that product code. Bother.
Teppy, I hope you're feeling better soon. Salmonella SUCKS.
I have read the Sorbo thing, although I only just read the actual article when you linked to it. (Summary: "whine whine whine," said Sorbo.) What a douchebag.
Me too! They're hot nerds. Like us!!
My lust love for Morgan grows by leaps and bounds. Not just SMOKING hot, not just smart, not just capable of kicking ass, but he reads Vonnegut, too. *sigh*
I feel so justified in my dislike of him! I am very tempted to find him at D*C this year and say, "Hey! Way to be a douchebag, Kevin!"