If 25 people make 75% of the natter posts (that's probably an underestimate - I'm asspulling numbers), is it fair to make a new thread get 50 votes in favor, before we approve it? If 50 is our MVT, and someone proposes a David Greenwalt's Miracles thread, and 40 people vote in favor of it and 5 vote no, is it fair to not allow it, because it didn't get 50?
Wrod to the argument, and wrod to the hypothetical thread.
I personally think the MVT should be somewhere between 10 and 20, but I also think that we should agree to be flexible about MVT if we see that a) too many things are getting passed with few participants, or b) nothing is getting passed because we never get enough participants. I suspect that whether the MVT is 5 people or 50 people, the MVT will consistently get met on
vote, and most of this will be moot.
a) Should more than one Buffista be needed in order to move something to formal discussion and vote?
b) *Please choose a minimum number of people who have to agree with the original proposer before a proposal moves to formal discussion. Put a number between 1 and 10 into this box: [ ]
Change b) to 0 and 10 and you don't need a).
That is really weird, becuase I would swear when I wrote it it said
"If this item passes..."
Also, should I edit the proposal Jesse linked to reflect that and the 2 - 100 thing? Are those the only changes?
(also, I'm sorry I keep doing this thing where I say i'm taking a break and then don't. I guess it is impossible for me to shut up)
But, Wolfram, if you change B to between 0 and 10, then, if you've voted NO for a) and vote 0 for b) then you've basically removed yourself from the decision if A passes despite your no vote, don't you?
But, Sophia, you're keeping it all on track. You can't break too long.
But, Wolfram, if you change B to between 0 and 10, then, if you've voted NO for a) and vote 0 for b) then you've basically removed yourself from the decision if A passes despite your no vote, don't you?
You're right assuming we're averaging the numbers in B, but if we're just collecting the numbers and figuring out which number got the most votes, than all the no votes in a) could instead vote 0 in b) and you wouldn't need an a) question.
I just realized that no where in there did it say we were averaging: So here is a new and improved:
A new version:
Do we want a separate thread for actual voting discussions?
A yes vote on this Item means you would like a new thread, that will be solely dedicated to formal discussion of future items put forward for voting. This thread will only be open during the designated days of formal discussion.
A no vote means you do not want a new thread. (Presumably in this case, all discussion will take place in Bureaucracy.)
Do we want to close the talking about a subject when the voting starts?
A yes vote on this item means that you would like to end all discussion on a given item when voting starts.
A no vote means you would like to continue discussion through the voting period.
How many Buffistas does it take to make a vote count? Do votes of "no preference" count toward this?
For the first question, put a number between 2 and 100 into this box, please: [ ] An AVERAGE (rounded to the nearest whole number) of these numbers will be used to determine the voter turnout
For the second part, it's a simple yes or no.
If you vote yes, you would allow people to register their vote as an "no preference" -- that is, with no preference for either choice -- and that vote would count toward the minimum number
If you vote no, you want only votes that prefer one option to count toward the minimum.
a) Should more than one Buffista be needed in order to move something to formal discussion and vote?
b) Please choose a minimum number of people who have to agree with the original proposer before a proposal moves to formal discussion Put a number between 1 and 10 into this box, please: [ ]
You may answer this question even if you choose to vote no to proposal (a)
An AVERAGE of these numbers (rounded to the nearest whole number) will be used to determine the number of people needed to second. [ ]
You're right assuming we're averaging the numbers in B, but if we're just collecting the numbers and figuring out which number got the most votes, than all the no votes in a) could instead vote 0 in b) and you wouldn't need an a) question.
But we're not just doing that. If seconds gets voted down in question a, it doesn't matter what average question b comes up with. Whether or not we do anything with the average is a separate issue than what the average is.
I don't think we can round to the nearest 5 if the choices are only 1-10. That really only gives us the choices of 1 (?), 5 and 10. I'm thinking just the average would be better, here.