A job for Executive Assistant for the International Academic Programs office at UMKC in Kansas City, MO has opened up. The salary range is low 30's, and it's a small, friendly office.
E-me with questions. It's not posted yet anywhere.
'Just Rewards (2)'
Having a party? Organizing a local F2F? Know something that we all really need to know? Announce it! Want to discuss anything posted here? Take it to Natter. Any natter here will be deleted.
A job for Executive Assistant for the International Academic Programs office at UMKC in Kansas City, MO has opened up. The salary range is low 30's, and it's a small, friendly office.
E-me with questions. It's not posted yet anywhere.
I'm going to need to shut the site down for about fifteen minutes tonight, so I can copy the database for testing purposes.
My target is 11pm, board time.
Sorry, and thanks.
David Bianculli has wonderful things to say about Season 5 BtVS and Firefly today:
Friday [link]
Comedian Colin Quinn. He was the "Weekend Update" anchor on Saturday Night Live from 1998 to 2000, and was known for his satirical coverage of the Clinton-Lewinsky scandal.
Also, TV critic David Bianculli discusses the popularity of DVD box sets, including Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Firefly and The Ben Stiller Show.
Also, Washington DC or Baltimore, MD?
We should get the hotel for the May 22-23 F2F lined up pretty darn soon, and then relax for a while. See the F2F thread.
For those of us who do not listen to Fresh Air enough to know the hosts guest commentators by name:
We're going dyke-barring with meara tonight. The plan is to at least start at a bar called Escapades, which is at 10437 Burbank Blvd in North Hollywood.
We haven't decided at time yet. We will take suggestions for a starting time, and call others who might need to know.
We think we'll be starting at 9pm, but we are no wondering which bar to start at. Perhaps Girl Bar. We'll discuss this out of this thread from now on...
You may have noticed that the Random Quote Generator and the BFA down. I suspect my host of instituting script resource caps without notice.
I'm attempting to downsize some flatfile databases to see if I'm right.
The room block for Century Plaza is open for the Wolfram & Hart Annual Revue. You will be able to book on the internet on Monday, but if you'd like to call reservations, the number is: (310) 277-2000
The code for the block is Wolfram & Hart Annual Revue. I know, it's clever, eh?
The block is good Thursday-Monday at a rate of $159 per night.
Need a suite? Contact Maya@emahollywood.com and we'll get you a fab rate.
You can also book at the Holiday Inn Express at a rate of $99 per night. The Holiday Inn Express is a half mile from the Century Plaza.
Auction News: In addition to the two panthers signed by J. August Richards, we have a pile of items signed by Joss Whedon which include signed scripts of Serenity, Waiting in the Wings, the Angel Season Five premiere, Fray, and a special 100th Episode t-shirt.
I'll post more items when they're in my greedy wee hands...but you know how I love an auction. Special lovely gorgeous things are in the works that you won't be able to get anywhere else, plus donations from all over the Angelverse.
You can still register for the party through Monday the 15th of December at the $104 price. After that, we'll have to tack on a late reg fee.
We'll be announcing the pre-party plans soon, and the price for a pre-party ticket. Many thanks to CoA for choosing the theme, which is comfy and jazzy and the perfect way to chill and meet up with old friends, hang with new ones, and drink entirely too much...er, if you drink...and are 21 or older.
Also, the lovely Anya has generously offered to be the Suite Sitter for the Hospitality Suite during the Revue, so those of you coming to LA to meet up with old friends but not coming to the Big Bash, you are very welcome to have a small soiree in our suite duing the party itself, provided you obey Anya and give her the love she so richly deserves and don't freakin' touch my gin. Ima need it when this shindig is done.
Also, also, white wings sent me a pound of homemade fudge, and I forgot to thank her, because I was in a fudge coma.
The fudge was so good that I hallucinated pretty colors for days....hm. white wings spiked my fudge.
Ginger Cakes!
I'm doing the first year of what's become a bit of an annual tradition elsewhere: Scots ginger cake for those who request it.
The cake is lovely, dark, moist, spicey and is baked and shipped in individual pans. If I'm covering shipping, I can take about ten requests, because it has to go priority mail (perishable) and that's nearly $4 a pop to send.
However, if you want a cake and are willing to cover the shipping, there's no limit to how many of those I can bake and send.
So, if you want a ginger cake, email me at sf_deb@yahoo.com and let me know whether you can cover shipping or not.
Because I'm not too scared of NBC:
Charisma Carpenter was on Miss Match on Friday, and so was Daniel Dae Kim (Gavin Park from Angel).
So I said "What the heck" and did 50 screencaps, which you can find here: