For those who are curious? The photos from today's signing at the Sunnyvale Borders are here
'War Stories'
Sunnydale Press
Having a party? Organizing a local F2F? Know something that we all really need to know? Announce it! Want to discuss anything posted here? Take it to Natter. Any natter here will be deleted.
And a day later? Photos from the book launch today, and thanks to all the Buffistas who came out and sang along.....
Attention Boston-area Buffistas:
I'm hosting a small Firefly DVD release party this Friday, Dec. 12th, starting around 6pm.
I am also collecting donations for our second annual coat & clothing drive all week and at the party.
I'm a Buffista lurker only; I mostly post at the Fox Firefly Board under nadjaunseen (just so you know I'm not some nutjob inviting unsuspecting Buffistas to my lair). :)
Email me (see profile) if you'd like to come by and/or donate to the drive, and I'll send you the details. Thanks!
Someone suggested I post this here. I avoided job searching for a little bit this morning and played with Photoshop and an image generated from a certain website:
I don't know if the radio station does a web feed anymore, but a local SLC radio station, 107.5 FM, is interviewing Joss sometime tomorrow morning, I think between 7-10 AM Mountain Time. I will either be asleep or at work, so odds of me doing more than just listening a little are nil.
This Friday Nathan Fillion and Charisma Carpenter are both going to be on Miss Match (NBC - 8 pm Central) (And somehow I hadn't noticed that CC's character's name was "Serena Lockley" before -- kind of "Kate" related, no?
And NF will be on the special Monday edition of Miss Match at 9 pm Central on the 15th.
Serena Lockley? Elisabeth Rohm plays a Serena on L&O, and obviously was a Lockley on Angel.
How odd.
The Goodbye and Good Riddance 2003 thread is now open for your holiday postage.
A job for "Oracle database and application developer/administrator" has opened up at our company. Applications are due Dec. 22.
Please email me (or any Bay Area Buffista, I think they all have it) for our URL for more info, and, tell your friends.
eta: That it's opened up outside means that there aren't any in-house candidates competing.
A job for Executive Assistant for the International Academic Programs office at UMKC in Kansas City, MO has opened up. The salary range is low 30's, and it's a small, friendly office.
E-me with questions. It's not posted yet anywhere.