I finally am named on IMDB
I've been on there for a while. Worst. Movie. Ever.
'Smile Time'
Having a party? Organizing a local F2F? Know something that we all really need to know? Announce it! Want to discuss anything posted here? Take it to Natter. Any natter here will be deleted.
In case you're in need of some distraction: the latest Gothic Miss Manners column is up at www.gothic.net.
IMDB...I'm there a few more times than I thought...
This Saturday is the release party for So Luminous the Wildflowers, an anthology of California Poetry. Thessaly and I are both in the book, along with Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Dorothy Barresi, Phillip Levine and others. Of course, we're on the wrong side of the country to attend, but hey, thought I'd pass the word around.
Here's my write up of the book in OC Weekly.
Myself and The Husband will be in Las Vegas April 25th - 27th (for a big gothy event). If there are any Buffistas in the area that would like to meet up, send a message to my profile addy.
Hey all. F2F Hotel Stuff!
Here's the what's what:
Safari Inn King or double bed size rooms: $83 per night Suite: $109 per night, for 2 people. $10 each additional person
Anabelle Hotel King or double bed size rooms:$109 per night Suite: $139 per night, for two people. $10 each additional person
Guarantee rooms with a credit card
Phones: Anabelle 818-845-7800 Safari 818-845-8586
Toll free, please specify which hotel you want: 1-800-782-4373
The block is under the name: Buffistas
There is only a small number of suites left, so if you want one, book quickly!
The rates are good from Wednesday May 28th, through Monday June 2nd.
Go forth and book your rooms!
ETA the CORRECT 800 number. I'm an idgit.
The more info to follow:
The Buffista F2F is on! You're all booking hotels and flights, digging through the closet for the most beautiful clothing. The LAistas among us are getting ready to throw a big shindig!
If you are planning on attending the shindig on Saturday Night, which I lovingly think of as the Buffista Prom, please purchase a ticket by MAY 20.
How does one purchase a ticket?
1. You can paypal me at kgullo@earthlink.net.
2. You can e-mail me at kgullo@earthlink.net and I'll send you my address and you can send a check.
3. You can send a money order. See number 2
How much will it cost?
Just think, the big Shindig will include nummy treats, beautiful people and fabulous music. All of this for the low, low price of $20 per person!
The $20 will cover all of the party goodies, and will also include access to the hospitality suite on Friday and Saturday along with lots of tasty goodness courtesy of Costco.
How long do I have to decide before?
Not long! AGAIN... All money is due to me before the 5/20. Easy to remember $20 before the 20th!
What if I am a philanthropist at heart and want to send more?
By all means, please do... The money will be used to enhance our pleasure.
Should I send anything else?
Funny you should ask....ABSOLUTELY! Please also send the following information:
1. How are you arriving? What airline and what airport?
2. When are you arriving and when are you leaving?
3. Will you have a car and will you be willing to chauffer and how many passangers can you hold?
4. In an ideal world, what extracurriculurs would you like? Do you want to see the Hollywood sign or go the Apple Pan?
5. If you're a car-having folk (my! How LA you've become!) would you be willing to drive on an extracurriculuar excursion?
Edited to add day when the Buffista Prom will take place.
W/X is back up.
Hi all.
Thanks to the goddess-ness of Allyson and friend, F2F info is available at the thread. We are also taking suggestions for the title, theme, (insert better word here). Please post in F2F and there will be a poll.