Latest diary on Kos...really want to hit the Rec List this time. [link]
Sunnydale Press
Having a party? Organizing a local F2F? Know something that we all really need to know? Announce it! Want to discuss anything posted here? Take it to Natter. Any natter here will be deleted.
For those not in Natter, this is too cool not to share. Have you guys seen this? Amazing time lapse National Geographic footage of the space shuttle traveling through Los Angeles: [link]
If Chrome or Google was giving you a malware error when you tried to access, third times' the charm, and our rep seems to be clean now.
If you have problems, please report them in BBaBB++
Hey, first blog post in several months!
"Confessions of a Bibliophile and Logophile: Copy Editing Turns Me On" [link]
Methinks several of y'all can empathize with my message!
SO, HEY! the sign-up deadline came and went for ANSSWSGE 2012. AND the names were drawn electronically this morning.. one person who had expressed interest never accepted the elfster invite (I will email), so for A FEW HOURS ONLY!!! 3 hours from this post time, in fact, you too can get in on the ANSSWSGE 2012 action. Email me at my profile addy and I will get you added.
AND - if anyone has a question or problem with who they got in the draw, (GETTING ME CANNOT BE A PROBLEM, IT IS A BLESSING) you can email me and we will work it out.
Amazon has a bunch of Whedonverse things on sale.
Any Canadianistas use the Nook Color? Friend of relative thinking about getting it for her daughter; wondered if there were weird international accessibility issues?
(Can reply in Tech or profile addy -- thanks for any info!)
Beau is very involved with Playstation Madden NFL and plays in several leagues. His group is in need of some assistance with a web tool to track statistics for league games. This kind of web development is way outside my area of expertise, but I thought people here might be interested. He and his crew were members of but it is now defunct and they are looking for an alternative that they will pay for. Below is his email to me about this, but if anyone here is interested or knows someone who might be interested for some side income, please give me a holler at profile addy.
I am looking for someone to create a database that will record stats for my Madden videogame league. Specifically, a site that will record NFL statistics similar to NFL stats.
For example, I have 20 owners in my league.
Each owner utilizes a team with offensive and defensive players. When we input our data we need to be able to record offensive stats (for Halfbacks, Receivers, Quarterbacks) defensive stats (tackles, sacks, interceptions, fumbles) and team stats (3rd down conversions, yards gained, Total Rushing/Passing yards, etc.).
Polling place changes in NYC. Please help spread the word!
[Edit: This link worked as recently as half an hour ago and is now being weird. Please click through to needed information.]
And now, New Jersey voters:
Due to Hurricane Sandy, Governor Christie has made some important changes that that may make it easier for you to vote.
• You can go vote early at your County Clerk today. [Edit: may have changed]
• Residents who want to vote electronically can submit a mail-in ballot application either by e-mail or fax to their county clerk (you'll need to call them to find out their email address). Once the application is approved, the clerk will electronically send a ballot back to the voter also by e-mail or fax. Voters must return the ballot electronically by 8 p.m. on Nov. 6. Applications for mail-in ballots can be found here: [link] Visitors to the website should ignore messages saying applications cannot be faxed or e-mailed. For details, call your County Clerk
• If you can't get to your normal polling place, you can cast a provisional ballot in person on Tuesday in a county other than the one that you're registered in.3 Further information is available by calling the following toll-free number: 1-877-NJVOTER (1-877-658-6837).