DN (nephew) in NY sent this, in case NYistas would like to join with the arts crowd.
"Feeder" marches - starting at 10:30 a.m. - are planned throughout the city to assemble contingents at specific locations and then move together to the assembly point on First Avenue north of 49th Street for noon March with THAW, Bread and Puppet, and many other performing arts groups and folks! Join the NYC Performing Arts community united in opposition to the war February 15 for a lively, theatrical march from Columbus Circle to the big rally at First Avenue north of 49th Street!
WHAT: A "feeder" march to the UFPJ rally site with the NYC performing arts community (all are welcome). We will be marching, peacefully, on the sidewalk, with signs and other creative materials, which is legal, so come one come all, and bring the kids.
WHERE & WHEN: Meet at Columbus Circle, 59th Street and Broadway (Subway: A,B,C,D,1,9). Look for the orange THAW signs. Saturday, February 15, 10:30 a.m.
HOW TO GET INVOLVED: 1. THAW needs folks to carry beautiful THAW signs! If you can, it would be wonderful if folks can wear a bit of ORANGE - THAW's official color - an orange scarf, hat, coat, shoes! 2. BREAD AND PUPPET is asking for as many volunteer performers as are available. Yes, that's right, this is your chance to work with one the most renowned agit-prop theater troupes in the world. Bread and Puppet needs people to operate puppets large and small, wear masks, play musical instruments, and so on. Note: Bread and Puppet details are not confirmed. Exactly how and where they will be able to participate is still being worked out, but don't let that stop you from volunteering. 3. DIY (do it yourself)! Make something up. Recruit your friends. Use your imagination. Make it theatrical. Make it beautiful. Make it weird. Make it a parade. The arts are about creation and play. War is about destruction and control. So let's be seriously playful, and playfully serious, and let's inspire what audiences we encounter along our merry way. 4. OTHER PERFORMING ARTS GROUPS are formulating plans and will want performers/participants. So stay in touch, keeping checking the UFPJ website, and come to?
OUR LAST MINUTE COORDINATION MEETING, Thursday, February 13, 7:00 p.m. at a location to be announced soon (send us your email address or keep checking the UFPJ site).
LAST BUT NOT LEAST? please spread the word. Please. If you are not aware of what is happening Feb 15 in cities all over the world, look into it. Please help us mobilize every NYC actor, dancer, director, stage manager, designer, choreographer, producer, puppeteer, musician, stagehand, playwright, costumer, dramaturge, house manager, etc., opposed to this war. Please FORWARD AND POST THIS EMAIL. Copy it and hand it out. Make phone calls. Talk to people. If everyone assumes everyone else is doing it, that means no one is doing it. We have one week. Demo flyers and materials are downloadable on the UFPJ site. Please help spread the word?
QUESTIONS, INFO: artists4feb15@yahoo.com UNITED FOR PEACE AND JUSTICE (UFPJ): www.unitedforpeace.org THEATERS AGAINST WAR (THAW): www.thawaction.org BREAD AND PUPPET (to volunteer): deborahandrew@earthlink.net
Kristin Marting Executive Director, HERE (212)647-0202 x320 kristin@here.org