I decided to go public.
Please join me in my nascent writing project/life journey/trendy action:
Only caveats: I'm not linking to the Phoenix or using my real name - it's public, but I want a layer of semi-pseud.
Thanks if you want to drop by.
Having a party? Organizing a local F2F? Know something that we all really need to know? Announce it! Want to discuss anything posted here? Take it to Natter. Any natter here will be deleted.
I decided to go public.
Please join me in my nascent writing project/life journey/trendy action:
Only caveats: I'm not linking to the Phoenix or using my real name - it's public, but I want a layer of semi-pseud.
Thanks if you want to drop by.
Hey guys -- Thanks to those of you who sent in money for board upkeep recently! But we could use some more.... Give thanks for the Phoenix this Thanksgiving! (And/or this random week in November, for those of you not in the US.) Paypal to donations at buffistas dot org, or email me for my address if you want to send a check. Thanks, y'all.
I'm trying to land an adjunct gig teaching an Adolescent Lit class, and am putting together a sample syllabus.
Please visit my page and make recommendations for a reading list or 6-12th graders, or for my require reading list!
I appreciate the expert opinions!
It'll be days before i can get caught up, but i FINALLY got some house photos (of the during and after remodeling) up at [link] .
Slacker Secret Santa: All of you who want to exchange presents with other Buffistas but haven't mailed me about it yet, this is your chance!
Please send your info (board name and snail-mail address) to my profile address until the 10th of December. By then, I'll match you up to pairs of givers and recipients, and let you know which is who.
Even though it's titled with the word "Slacker" in it, you do remember that this year we voted on a gift-deadline of March, right? It doesn't mean you can't slack, just that there's a limit to it. Hope it's OK.
Your truly,
Tiny Jewish not-Santa
P.S. All the "regular" Secret Santa notices have now been sent out last week. If you didn't get one, or if there are any other problems, you're of course more than welcome to email me.
And in the spirit of secretive gift giving, most of the information I have in the database of secrets dates back to 2005 or so. This is your chance to fill out the form for the first time or update it if your tastes have changed.
What I do is keep this in a super-secret location and when someone emails me and asks for information about you, I send it to them. That way you get something you're likely to like, and your giver doesn't have to sweat blood to find it. People use them year 'round for anniversarys and whatnot, but mostly at this time of year.
If you'd like to be included in the database, just copy and paste these questions into an email, answer the ones you want to answer and skip the ones you don't (many people skip some things), add more information if you think I left something out, and then send it to me at my profile address.
Buffista name:
Real name:
E-mail address:
Mailing address:
LJ name, AIM or other messenger name, chat type contact info:
Telephone number:
Top 10 under 10 pick-me-up list (In case you need a smile, what would make you happiest? Postcards; a new pen, refrigerator magnets, a keychain?...)
Birthday (no need to include year):
Anniversary and type (buffistaversary, marriage, moved in together, coming out, conversion to X):
Name(s) of significant other(s), if applicable:
Name(s) and ages of child(ren), if applicable:
Pet name(s) and type, if applicable:
Name of roommate(s), if applicable:
Holiday system and favorite holiday:
Allergies or sensitivities:
Favorite kind of chocolate or other sweet treat:
Favorite alcoholic beverage:
Favorite non-alcoholic beverage:
Tea or coffee and favorite flavor/kind:
Favorite fruit:
Favorite food:
Favorite scent(s) or scent family:
Favorite flower or plant:
Favorite color:
bath or shower and do you like Lush?:
Favorite animal:
totem animal(s):
Passion or collection (music, leather, utilikilts, wonder woman?):
Favorite comic book, cartoon or similar character:
Favorite metal:
Favorite stone (river rock, fire opal, diamond):
Mac or PC:
Favorite website(s) (after buffistas.org):
Wish-list URL(s):
Something every Buffista should know about me:
You can/can't share this with any Buffista who asks (posters under 500, regular posters, only posters whose name starts with ‘B’, ask me first):
Just a reminder that if you're shopping on Amazon and use our link, we'll get a percentage! There's a general link on the links page, or try these:
Also, if you'd rather buy books from Powell's, we have an affiliate link there as well (also on the links page), and today only use the code SHIPFREE for free shipping.
Many of us are fans of Sherman Alexie. He'll be on The Colbert Report tomorrow, Dec. 1, 2009. [link]
PS His last interview on TCR on 10/28/08: [link]
I'm hosting a showing of Tom Waits rarely screened movie Big Time in San Francisco, on Thursday, December 10th.
Here's the full announcement at the Magic Bus Movie Night website.
It's a relatively small venue, so if any SFBayistas want to attend, you should get there early. They do serve wine, beer and other drinks before the show.
Here are the details:
Thursday December 10th
Doors 7pm showtime 8pm
9th St. Independent Media Center
145 9th st. btwn Mission and Howard
SF CA 94103