It's been a very slow writing semester for me due to personal health and other fun stressors, but I have finally updated my teaching blog. My newest entry, "Reflection," is now up on Little but Fierce.
Sunnydale Press
Having a party? Organizing a local F2F? Know something that we all really need to know? Announce it! Want to discuss anything posted here? Take it to Natter. Any natter here will be deleted.
Just poking my head in the door to post this for the LAistas:
LOS ANGELES--JUNE 12, 2008-- See one of the hottest shows inLos Angeles from the best seats in the house for 30% OFFregular ticket prices. The award-winning "Wicked" at the Pantages Theatre inHollywood is offering Center Orchestra seats for only $68.These seats usually sell for over $95. This offer is valid for Tuesday through Friday and Sundayevening performances through July 31. Tickets must bepurchased by June 22. Purchasing instructions: Choose your desired performancedate by selecting "Find Tickets." Enter code TRAVELZOO under"Promotions and Special Offers" and select your desiredticket level price. Discount is applied once you click "LookFor Tickets." To purchase tickets and for more information, click the linkbelow: link
Such a rare thing to wish that I lived in LA...
It's new lesson time at Gothic Charm School! Of Questions Concerning One's Wardrobe
BOSTON-ISTAS! I will be returning to your fair city for another work sojourn from June 20 to June 26. See F2F thread for details.
::gets down on knees::
Get yer mind out of the gutter!
::raises clasped hands in pleading gesture::
The F2F is only a week away. Won't you please donate for the good of the corsets, kilts and tiaras? We want to show them a good time, more than a few wilted lettuce leaves and stale water. Think of the candy necklaces, abandoned and unloved for the lack of a few pennies! ::sob::
Send your shekels, rubels, yen, shillings and, um, dollars! to: dinky40 at charter dot net.
Thank you!
This is another F2F call out - please email my profile addy and le me know when you are arriving in Madison.
Also, if you are in need of a roommate, I can do some matchmaking, so let me know that, too.
Just 'cause why not, I am announcing the arrival of Kerfuffle Bunny at his own spot on teh Interwebs.
Kerfuffle Bunny is paging Dr. Feelgood
An article by me on the politics of global warming is going to be in the July-August 2008 issue of Z Magazine.
The July-August issue of Z Magazine will be in co-ops, libraries and small left-wing books stores starting June 28th or shortly thereafter.