Thank you smonster. I'm so scattered, I posted the link from my wordpress account.
The post is the first you see at
I will go fix the link.
(additional apologies from me for messing it up)
Birth, death, illness, new job, vacation...if it's happening to you and you want us to know about it, post it here. These threads are intended for announcements only. Want to offer sympathy or congratulations, or talk about anything? Take it to Natter. Any natter here will be deleted.
Thank you smonster. I'm so scattered, I posted the link from my wordpress account.
The post is the first you see at
I will go fix the link.
(additional apologies from me for messing it up)
It's been kind of an excruciating process, involving serious WTF is wrong with you moments from everyone but the mortgage broker, but as of about 4:40 this afternoon, I own a house.
Yay Perkins!
As of 3:19 this afternoon, I own a baby.
His name is Calvin James, and pictures of him are here: [link]
8 lbs, 7 oz. He was a surprise!breach baby (we think he was head down until this morning, the cheeky boy), so was delivered by surprise!c-section. But everything is good.
It's a new year, and Ryan's ready for his close-up, so I'm starting it off with the latest set of photos of our little boy. It covers the last couple of months, including our holiday to Phillip Island (home of the Penguin Parade and Faunapalooza).
At the playground: [link]
In his sleeping bag and smock: [link]
At soccer training: [link]
Fun with blocks: [link]
Spending time with Mummy and Daddy: [link]
His childcare centre's Christmas party: [link]
Christmas holiday! Time for pressies: [link]
On Phillip Island (the rainbow appeared on Christmas Day): [link]
Visit to Amaze'n'Things ( [link] ). I don't think I've ever seen as much joy in this little boy as when he was confronted with multiple Ryans in the mirror maze: [link]
Faunapalooza! Ryan meets one of the residents: [link]
Back home, and Ryan does his best Freddy Krueger: [link]
Faunapalooza generated more photos than that, of course. However, most of them are in my animal collection. They start here: [link]
Aaand the echidnas start here: [link] (Ryan loved them.)
Here endeth the photos. Please note that the number of Ryan photos still exceeds the number of echidna photos. (Though admittedly, the number of Ryan photos at Faunapalooza does not. Ahem.)
My grandmother passed away this morning, 14 months after my grandfather.
Two years ago today, I married my best friend. I met him because of this place and these people. He even proposed here! So I want to say thanks to all of you for your love and support and for being the kind of people Drew and I both wanted to hang out with. You rock.
I've been dark for a bit, due to duck nibbles...but in case you are planning your travel to South American countries with high crime rates that hate Americans, I'm moving to Venezuela this summer.
(with the DH and Mal and the cats).
Asking for some baby~ma for my twin sister. She's 30 weeks but the baby is measuring 3 weeks behind. They're hospitalizing her for observation. This has been a tough road and I just want everything to be ok for them.
ND and I are the proud new pet parents of two 4 month old gray kittens: Simon and Wilson. Pictures to follow!