'Objects In Space'
If the Apocalypse Comes, Beep Me
Birth, death, illness, new job, vacation...if it's happening to you and you want us to know about it, post it here. These threads are intended for announcements only. Want to offer sympathy or congratulations, or talk about anything? Take it to Natter. Any natter here will be deleted.
Hi all, I'm coming with hat in hand to ask, yet again, for help funding a grant at Donors Choose. My proposal has until end of January, but I'd love any and all help in getting this funded. Half a Life by Darrin Strauss is a beautiful and haunting and relevant memoir that I think my students, even the struggling readers, will love.
Donations of any amount will help (the more donors I have, even at a dollar a donor actually moves me up on the front page). Please help me in getting this funded.
Info is at [link]
My third installment on Early Sixties Horror is up at Hilobrow.
This time I look at Night Tide (1961), a low budget remake of Cat People (they're Mermaids in this one) starring the young Dennis Hopper, and featuring Cameron, the subject of much hoodoo/Satanic intrigue and the surviving widow of Jack Parsons (founder of the JPL).
As always with these articles, if you are so inclined to check it out, please to clicky on the Facebook "Like" at the website. It's good for business, good for America, but mostly good for me. Re-tweeting is also very nice. Thanks!
Bartleby and I have been home for a couple of hours and we are doing okay.
I asked the hospital staff to make sure we had finished all of our paperwork before they brought him out to me because I was pretty sure I was going to lose it entirely...given last night's breakdown. (Thank you so much, Beth. You were a great help to me.)
At one point, the nurse paused and with a very serious face, asked, "Did the doctor prepare you for it looks like?" I said,"He said it would be ugly." She gave a heavy sigh and said, "It's worse." She was right.
The incisions go from around the top of the base of his tail, down his leg, a ragged 6 inches. (His legs are about 8 inches.) Another branch shoots out in a Y about 3 inches to the outside of his thigh. There is also a rubber tube, sticking out from the base of his thigh. It's raw and swollen and basically looks like he's been torn apart by lions.
My biggest challenge will be avoiding having to go back for further resuturing either due to infection or tears in the stitching. The doctor is pretty convinced that at least one of these is inevitable. I'm going to do my very best to avoid either!
The better news is, while he is crying all the time...both from pain and disorientation from the pain meds...Bartleby is eating and moving around with gusto. A little too much gusto for my nerves, truth to tell.
I'm, frankly, shocked by this.
Of course, the hardest part is yet to come, but somehow having a medication schedule and a list of things I need to do every day makes me feel a teeny bit more powerful.
With donations, I was able to buy a heated bed that is perfect for him. He's in it right now, getting the first good rest he's had in a while. Just the thought of being able to help him relax...which is the very best medicine...leads me to express my profound thanks, again, to everyone here who has been with us on this journey.
Thank you so much for your kindness, generosity and good wishes. We have a mountain ahead of us, but with your help, we are already part way up!
Just spoke with bonny, and here's a message from her:
I'm still kind of freaking out and staring at him like he's going to break, but things are as good as they can be right now.
She reiterated her gratitude and wonder at all the support, and Bartleby LOVES his new bed.
I know I've been pretty gray, barely lurking. Can I ask for some ~ma directed towards Florida. Seems my dad is having a pile of health scares. First he was supposed to go in Friday to get an advanced check on the prostrate... But due to the mini stroke he had Sunday, the docs think that procedure is a waste of time right now. And while running tests to see what might of caused the mini strke, they discovered one of his coronary arteries mostly blocked, so they prepped for emergency surgery to shove a stint in there and get him dosed up on Plavix. So hopefully that is ok, so they can focus on the ___ on the MRI of his brain. (dunno what it is...a mass... Gas... I dunno). Being on the opposite coast doesn't make it any easier. From the sounds of it, he's doing ok. The strokes effects wore off before the ambulance got there, so that's good. But still, a bit unnerving.
Dad is home from the hospital. The stint surgery went fine. Today they did some scan of the back of the heart for the cause of the stroke. Apparently there are 2 types of strokes, one from blood clot, one from (dad couldn't remember what it's called), and of course, he has the one he can't remember what it's called. Dunno when the results of today's test will be in, but he is apparently well enough to send home.
All in all, a crazy week for him. Apparently he was going to visit the audiologist on Monday to finally get some hearing aides, and then today was the day to get his prostrate probing exam, and instead he had everything but those two things done. Stroke. Stents. And tests galore! Fun times!
Thanks for all the ~ma and support!
(x-posting with Bitches)
I found out that a friend of mine , at age 38 had a brain aneurysm yesterday. Luckily , she was with friends that recognized something was seriously wrong. the doctors are pleased with her progress, but a little buffista ma ~~~ would be nice. for both her and her DH and her family. there are a lot of reasons that the words 'ever lovely' proceed her name.
It's probably nothing, but I'm at the ER to get some abdominal/back pain checked out. It may be another ovarian cyst or appendicitis; it may be random cramping that means nothing. Nothing-ma would be appreciated.