I've been asked for some updating of the Buffista Gifty Database. If it's been a while since you filled this out (I have some from 2003!), or you never did, would you be so kind as to send it to me? Opt in only, so don't do it unless you like being surprised by interesting (and good!) things in the post and don't mind sending the woman in the glowy box your personal information. Complete only the questions that move you, leave blank the ones you don't want to answer, add stuff at the bottom if you feel like it.
Buffista name:
Real name:
E-mail address:
Mailing address:
LJ name, Facebook, Myspace, AIM or other messenger name, chat type contact info:
Telephone number if you want it included:
Top 10 under 10 pick-me-up list (In case you need a smile, what would make you happiest? Postcards; a new pen, refrigerator magnets, a keychain?...)
Birthday (no need to include year if you’d rather not):
Anniversary and type (buffistaversary, marriage, moved in together, coming out, conversion to X):
Name(s) of significant other(s), if applicable:
Name(s) and ages of child(ren), if applicable:
Pet name(s) and type, if applicable:
Name of roommate(s), if applicable:
Holiday system and favorite holiday:
Allergies or sensitivities:
Favorite kind of chocolate or other sweet treat:
Favorite alcoholic beverage:
Favorite non-alcoholic beverage:
Tea or coffee and favorite flavor/kind:
Favorite fruit:
Favorite food:
Favorite scent(s) or scent family:
Favorite flower or plant:
Favorite color:
bath or shower:
Favorite animal:
totem animal(s):
Passion or collection (music, leather, utilikilts?):
Favorite comic book, cartoon or similar character:
Favorite metal:
Favorite stone (river rock, fire opal, diamond):
Mac or PC:
Favorite website(s) (after buffistas.org):
Wish-list URL:
Something every Buffista should know about me:
You can/can't share this with any Buffista who asks (posters under 500, regular posters, only posters whose name starts with ‘B’, ask me first):