I wanted to update since the ~ma worked so well. Mom has been diagnosed but the words "stage I" and "non-aggressive" were used so I am very happy. Her surgery is scheduled for the 23rd of this month so at that point I will be taking some time to be with her and may ask for some of the ~ma again. Thank you very sincerely for the good thoughts.
If the Apocalypse Comes, Beep Me
Birth, death, illness, new job, vacation...if it's happening to you and you want us to know about it, post it here. These threads are intended for announcements only. Want to offer sympathy or congratulations, or talk about anything? Take it to Natter. Any natter here will be deleted.
x-post with Firefly (oh and I guess F2f would be appropriate too).
Peering out from the dark and lurky place I've been since work and school got so crazy to say...
Any LAistas planning to go to the Can't Stop the Serenity event in LA Tomorrow morning - I just got talked into going since I won't be able to make the San Diego event next weekend, and would love to see/say hi to localistas.
Profile addy is good, but since we're leaving pretty early in the morning, I'll temporarily put my cell# in there too. Call if you'll be in the neighborhood!
Remember I asked for non-specific job-ma some weeks ago? I now release it back to the wild. While my contract will not be renewed next month, I was offered several new ones, and will be moving to a project and company I am very excited about.
How 'bout some minor interview-ma at 9 am ET?
~ma released. May be asking for more later.
Hey, y'all.
If any of you happen to be my Facebook friend and have received something apparently FILTHY please disregard. Apparently there is some hack or virus or such nonesens making me look deranged.
Thank you.
I'm finally getting my yearly review at work (I started last Feb), it will either be tomorrow (on my birthday) or next week. I'd appreciate any ~ma there are no big problems but there have been some tiny issues and nothing that would place my job in jeopardy but I just don't want to leave the review feeling nibbled by ducks.
ridiculous as this sounds, a little luggage-ma would be appreciated. also some getting-into-the-us-okay-ma, asit appeas to be trickier han itwas3 years ago...
tries to remain calm
...yep, definitely trickier.
I no can haz flight.
So let's see about changing that -ma, people, to Make-it-to-the-F2F-somehow-ma, please? Insh'allah, I'll be able to get this fixed & get my ass on a 'plane tomorrow, and still make it. But, wow, I could really use some -ma to help it happen.
A heaping serving of OMGThisIsAPerfectJobForMe job~ma desired.
If anyone at the F2F or elsewhere has a job~ma candle would you please set it afire?
finger-crossing, big-time conversations with powers that be, hexes and charms all welcome.