I-don't-need-a-root-canal~ma would be appreciated in 30-90 minutes.
After 8:30 tonight I'll be mostly dark as one of my bffs is coming in for the weekend.
Birth, death, illness, new job, vacation...if it's happening to you and you want us to know about it, post it here. These threads are intended for announcements only. Want to offer sympathy or congratulations, or talk about anything? Take it to Natter. Any natter here will be deleted.
I-don't-need-a-root-canal~ma would be appreciated in 30-90 minutes.
After 8:30 tonight I'll be mostly dark as one of my bffs is coming in for the weekend.
Leaving for a job interview in a few minutes. Please send jobma!
Can I please have some massive massive buffista-patented -ma for my ex? She had an ovarian cyst burst, is in tons of pain, and had her CA-125 level come back crazy and they're afraid she may have ovarian cancer. ACK?
Can I request a little job~ma? I'm not leaving my current job, but I'm interviewing with a slew of people at my school tomorrow for the 10th grade dean position. I'd be teaching three classes and coordinating the events/student government/teacher team for 10th grade. A small stipend is also involved. I think I would be good at this job and would really like the chance to take my career to the next level.
My good friend Tony Brown, whom many folks around here know from Livejournal and "The November 3rd Club," has been nominated to be Internet Pope Poet Laureate of the Blogosphere.
He's running close, and can use all the help he can get, so please do me a favor and give him a vote!
Tony lists his platform here.
His slogan: "Tony Brown. My phone is off at 3 AM...what the hell could be so important at 3 AM anyway? I'm a fucking poet, dammit. I can't save the fucking world. Call me after noon."
Time Warner accidently cut my cable/broadband service two days early...so, pitch black until late Saturday.
Releasing the job~ma. I didn't get the dean position, but it sounds like I may be making inroads into another opportunity, so we'll see.
Having computer issues--possibly our router, possibly our laptop but defiitely going to be various shades of gray until we get it resolved.
A little house~ma would also be appreciated. If we can get a clear inspection later this week, we can finally get the company buy-out we were promised and get out from under one of our two mortgages. The last inspector dinged us because the stairs leading to the basement in the old house were "not level." @@ All the issues should be resolved and we've paid the last contractor so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
Hi all. Just a quick beep me post to let everyone know that I'm being admitted to the hospital up here in Pasadena so they can monitor my lungs and the progress of the pneumonia. The doctor is optimistic about my prognosis, and it sounds like I'll only be in for a day or two, so no worries. All will be well. Not sure how much internet access I will have, though, so contacting ND is probably the best way to go if you want updates.
Lung-healing ~ma would be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much, everyone.
House~ma for me as well? Waiting to hear on our bid. One half of the selling couple has accepted it; we're waiting for the other.
And if we do get the house, Home Depot and DIY~ma? It needs a bit of work.