The Buffista~ma is the awesome! Coworker has a 7lb 8oz baby boy! I release it back to the ~ma repository.
If the Apocalypse Comes, Beep Me
Birth, death, illness, new job, vacation...if it's happening to you and you want us to know about it, post it here. These threads are intended for announcements only. Want to offer sympathy or congratulations, or talk about anything? Take it to Natter. Any natter here will be deleted.
We're back in LA. I've never been so happy to see brown air.
My mom's boyfriend Ray had a small stroke on Thanksgiving day. Please send Buffista ~ma to him in the ICU if you have some extra sitting around.
if there's health~ma free, my coding collaborator's girlfriend, S. is in the ER - they think appendicitis, but they don't seem to be really rushing to fix her. Quick resolution ~ma is welcome too.
Hec's guest blog at Powell's just went up. Go forth and read (and preorder! Through the Buffista affiliate link!)!
eta: Hec adds, "And comment!"
Our old house has been listed and is finally ready to show--a little house-selling ~ma in this really lousy market would be appreciated.
::runs in and commences flailing::
So, a Rather Large Publishing House has made an offer on the GCS book proposal.
I'll post more details when everything is signed and whatnot, but zomg! An offer! Eeeeeee!
(x-posted with Great Write Way)
A little health~ma for my grandfather who has been in SICU since last Wednesday after his gall bladder-ectomy. In the past few days he's gone from doing "very well for a 91 year-old man" to not doing so well - his pneumonia isn't clearing up and they may have to put him back on the ventilator.
I'm releasing much of the ~ma for my collaborator's girlfriend back out (and pushing it in Jessica's direction). She's still in the hospital, but off oxygen and walking around. She had surgery - they still don't know the full outcome of that. A little worrisome, but it is good to see her out of bed. And mad at me for the get well lolcat I sent to her.
My request for ~ma seems petty considering everything else going on, but what the heck. A little please-don't-call-me-in-for-jury-duty-until-at-least-Wednesday ~ma would be appreciated. Monday and Tuesday are the days that the potential new head of school will be visiting, and I really need to be here. I have to start checking in starting Sunday night, so I'm really nervous that I'm going to miss one of those two days. I know it might not sound like a big deal, but it really is to me. Thanks.