Right. I suppose I ought to post this here? I've not been feeling well for quite some time, and it's probably because I have incredibly high blood pressure. I'm waiting on bloodwork to see if they can find out why, and beginning the quest to find a bp medication that actually works for me.
Buffy ,'Dirty Girls'
If the Apocalypse Comes, Beep Me
Birth, death, illness, new job, vacation...if it's happening to you and you want us to know about it, post it here. These threads are intended for announcements only. Want to offer sympathy or congratulations, or talk about anything? Take it to Natter. Any natter here will be deleted.
shhh... christmas stuff!
Yay. My MRI showed no signs of a tumor or MS.
Next, I get to see yet another specialist - someone who's specialization more closely matches my (latest) diagnosis: a swollen optic nerve.
It sounds like the prognosis for this diagnosis is more positive than for the previous diagnosis, so yay for that too.
You know that Bloom County cartoon, where Opus is moping because his mother hasn't sent him a card or a present for Christmas, and then his friends present him with a present and card that is supposedly from his mother, but when he opens it it's a space-type helmet, and the last panel is him wearing it and saying "I got the best friends in all known space!" You know that one?
Yeah, that's the way I feel right about now. I really do. You guys are wonderful, and thank you all so very much.
X-posted to my lj.
Bay area peeps: I will be returning to your fair environs from Jan 21st to the 29th. During the week (23rd to 27th) I will be in a bellydance workshop till about 4 pm, and maybe taking more classes at night (depending on money, soreness/fatigue, and just how crazy I'm feeling). I'd like to get together with people, whether it be one big thing or a few smaller things. At some point I'm going to try and see my buddy A in Monterrey (though I hope he'll be in the city by then). Not sure how that's going to work. I know it's still several weeks away - I thought for once I'd give some advance notice.
I'm also looking for a place or places to stay. Proximity to BART station a plus, as Suhaila's school is in El Cerrito. I don't make a big mess, I'll buy groceries, and I'm going to do my damndest NOT to get strep throat this time.
If you're interested in getting together and/or letting me crash, shoot me an email at my profile addy or drop a comment in this lj post.
Anyone who would like a holiday card from me, please email me with your address!
Ack! Nervous, but here goes! The cookbook is almost done, so I need another project (or something…)
A few months ago, I mentioned in my LJ that I wanted to start collecting essays for a book that will hopefully be published and titled, My Boobs are Shrinking, and Other Realities of Depression. I got great, excited response, then did nothing with it, because I was doing the cookbook...then school started...and life happened...and, well, you get the point.
But, I really want to get started with this project. So, I've created a LiveJournal community where potential essay writers can discuss ideas and whatnot. In the next coming weeks, I'll post some things to consider while writing...kind of guidelines on what I'm looking for, and whatnot.
So, anyway, the community is "shrinkingboobs" (which, now that I think about it, I hope doesn't bring "interesting" characters to the table), and you can become a member here: [link] If you think you may be interested in writing an essay, please become a member. We have so many wonderful writers here, and, unfortunately, so many people that have suffered from depression, that I really think this is going to be an amazing, funny, and real life project. If you are interested, and don't do the LJ thing, drop me an e-mail at thevwbug at gmail dot com, and I'll keep you up-to-date with stuff that way.
"Good evening, BOSTON!"
(yeah, big rock and roll style announcement. Go with me on this, yeah?)
So. I'm going to be in Boston and then NYC, itinerary as follows:
Getting to Boston this coming Thursday evening, 8 December. Will be staying with Jon B and his wife, both of whom I'm going to bring lovely prezzies because they rock.
Friday, 9 December: run around with Vortex (YAY! coming up from DC to hang with me), and anyone else who wants to hang and run, or slide, or whatever the street conditions are likely to be, during the day. I haven't been in Boston since the early seventies, so treating it as essentially a new city for me to fall in love with.
Evening of the same day, 6:30 to 8:00 pm, will be signing with the wonderful Clea Simon, at Kate's Mystery Books. Dinner? Before or after? Anyone?
Saturday - free day! Want to see lots and lots of people.
Sunday - Visiting good friend in Reading for her tree-trimming party.
Monday - morning flight to NY. Staying at a comped suite at the Trump Tower on CPW; Monday and Tuesday are pretty much booked, but will be seeing AmyLiz and Jess and my daughter. There will be a really good dinner involved - I'm thinking maybe Afghan food.
Wednesday - home.
So, if there's a list or something, let's do it, and exchange cell phone numbers and stuff.
Because, Boston!
Just wanted to let everyone know that I'm moving this week. I'm not going to post my address publically, but email me if you'd like it and I'll send it along.
Hello! If there is any spare Buffista job-ma lying around, I would really appreciate it. I'm attending a career fair for a company I'm very interested in working for (who is specifically looking for MEDICAL WRITERS OMG). Since I never got a response to all the résumés I sent, this is my chance to beat them the fuck up make a good impression in person.