I'm off to Germany. I'll be gone until Monday, not completely sure about the internet situation. I'm a little freaked, what with the complete lack of planning I've done for this trip, not knowing the language, not knowing what to see, etc. So I'd appreciate any travel-ma and don't-act-stupid-ma that you feel inclined to send across the ocean. Ta, and bye.
If the Apocalypse Comes, Beep Me
Birth, death, illness, new job, vacation...if it's happening to you and you want us to know about it, post it here. These threads are intended for announcements only. Want to offer sympathy or congratulations, or talk about anything? Take it to Natter. Any natter here will be deleted.
Hey, Bay Areaistes and -istas:
I have two back to back events for Famous Flower of Serving Men, tomorrow and Thursday night, one in Marin County, one in the East Bay. The East Bay event is at JZ's mom's Clayton store; the Marin event is with two other mystery writers, and should be fun.
Book Passage
51 Tamal Vista Blvd
Corte Madera, CA 94925
Wednesday, 8 December, at 7:30 PM
Bonanza Street Books
5433 Clayton Rd # D
Clayton, CA
Thursday, 9 December, at 7:00 PM
Come along, bring friends or kids, buy some holiday prezzies, and get them signed and dedicated. Support your local author!
Bert-Bert Babyboy BabyBert
Thank you for you love, your impeccable manners at the dinner table, and your infallible purr
May you find you place of never ending up, squirrels and birds to play with, warm sun patches, tuna fish to eat, and grass to chew.
We will miss you
Beth and Matt
Requesting some forceful not-serious cancer~ma for a very good friend. She has uterine cancer but the severity has not been determined. At the very least she will have to have a hysterectomy.
When it rains, it pours. Also asking that you extend that ~ma a bit further for another good friend who just found out she has a lump on her breast. Her next doctor's appointment is this week.
This is an informative message for my Secret Santa, anyone else who is sending things my way, and the general populace.
December 16th, I am going home, and I don't know about my Internet access.
December 18th, I will be flying to India.
January 9, I will be returning home, and I don't know about my Internet access.
January 10, I will be returning to Ann Arbor.
The take-home message is not only "I'm going to be hella dark over the holidays" but also: please don't mail anything to me until early January. I'd rather it not sit in the post office or the apartment lobby for a couple weeks.
I just found out that my landlord has sold my building. I am happy to no longer have to deal with him because he never actually fixed anything, but I am worried (because I don't currently have a lease) that I am going to have a big rent increase for the new year.
I'm about to send a sample chapter to an agent. Never done this before. Terrified. Posting here about it means it's real, so I can't chicken out; I have to follow through. Good agent~ma requested, if anyone has some to spare.
As of four thirty or so yesterday afternoon, I'm now Jars B.A. (hons).
Yay! That's all, really.
We have a date! Stephen and I have picked August 6, 2005 for our wedding, to be held at West Point on the Eno park in Durham, NC.
Let the caterer-hunting and the iTunes mixing begin!