Fay in the Firefly Spoilers thread after someone did as JZ requested
(about rather than containing spoilers):
Read the whitefont?
Don't read the whitefont?
Read the whitefont?
Don't read the whitefont?
Read the whitefont?
Don't read the whitefont?
head explodes.
disembodied spirit magically reads
the whitefont.
In Natter --
It's sad when someone wastes their public sympathy by turning into a finger-hogging ass.
connie neil
in Literary on Anne Rice's plan to write a life of Christ:
Hey, Jesus rose from the grave, it's right up Anne's alley . . .
Well, someone had to say it!
I'm so vanilla that the other ice-creams are being calibrated by me.
JZ, on the ad for BK's Enormous Omlette Sandwich
Did somebody actually write that ad copy and then sit back contentedly saying, "Aw, yeah, that's the stuff"? Because, bleah. I don't really want to wake up to a mouthful of anything, thank you. It sounds either vaguely (and ineptly) porny or like the EOS is a feral foodstuff roaming through the bedrooms of America and lunging into sleeping people's mouths like a rabid monkey pouncing from underneath a bush. Either way, not so appetizing.
Teppy in Great Write. If you want context, go look, but be warned, every post since yesterday is a potential choking hazard:
The beauty of bad writing is the multitide of ways in which it can be done.
I weigh clothing/presentation using a kick ass principle. If I can't kick ass in it - it'd better be kickass.